"When a match has equal partners then I fear not." Aeschylus In 2014 one of your best moves will be to align yourself with the "RIGHT" partners. Think about some of the blind spots or opportunities you have had in the past and look to find strategic partners that can close the gap. When I look for new partners, I'm looking for a few significant things. Because at the end of the day, you will have to work with this person or company. Life is too short to be around people you don't like and doing work you don't love. I suggest you create you a "Can I Work With You List." Here is my "Can I Work With You List" 1. I must like you...PERIOD!!! 2. You must have PROVEN RESULTS!!! 3. I must see a way I can SERVE you!!! 4. The project has to be FUN!!! 5. The project has to have MEANING!!! Partnerships can be an amazing way to grow your business and enter into new arenas, just remember to partner with the "RIGHT" individual or company. What are some red flags for partnerships for you? Who makes a great partner in your eyes? Dr. Will America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Bestselling Author Genius Potential
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"My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure." Abraham Lincoln (Photo:New York Times) Well we are four days into the New Year and I failed already!!! This past week I have been in California conducting some training and now I’m sitting in my hotel room reviewing my weekly goal sheet. As I was giving each area a grade, I got to the part about health and fitness and had to give myself an F grade. I haven’t worked out the whole time here in California. To be VERY HONEST, I didn’t even plan to. When I left Arizona I left my workout clothes at home on purpose. I made the excuse that I didn’t want to carry extra stuff. How about you? Have you failed in areas you said you were going to succeed in already this year? Maybe you like me said you were going to workout more, maybe start reading each day. That’s why it is so important to do weekly checks so we can identify when we are off the track. As I was sitting here writing down why I failed this week in the area of fitness I realized that I failed even before I got started. I went back to when I was packing my bag and remember all the excuses I was telling myself. “You are not going to have time; you don’t want to carry all that stuff, excuse after excuse. So as I writing down the solution part on my goal sheet, I thought about some techniques that could help you and I achieve our goals. #1 Have a CLEAR blueprint how you will achieve your goal. I simply didn’t plan out when I was going to workout during my trip. Because I didn’t plan it, I didn’t do it. When you write down a clear plan you will be ahead of the game. #2 Train yourself to CHALLENGE all negative or limiting thoughts. I gave in to the thoughts about not having time and my back being to heavy. The truth is my body wants to reject this new life style, so I must challenge it quickly and remember my why. #3 CHECK your results often. If you see yourself allowing yourself to slip up on your goals, you will be off track. I could actually see where this type of thinking was leading me. I could see myself getting back home and telling myself on Monday, take it easy you just got home, and take a few days off. Before you know it, a month goes by. #4 When you see you are off track CORRECT the negative behavior fast. So I decided not having my workout clothes was not a reason not to workout. I look around my hotel room to see what exercises I could to. This is how you challenge the negative and limiting behavior. Take action to get back on track. #5 CANCEL your subscription to excuseville. In 2014 we are not making and accepting excuses from ourselves, you know it and I know it, we are far better than our excuses, don’t allow a limiting power to defeat you. I’m committed to winning big in 2014 and I know you are as well. I hope these few techniques help you achieve your goals. Remember to do something exciting this weekend!!! Your Partner In Genius Living, Dr. Will The 37 Lessons I Learned in 2013 By Dr. Will Moreland Bestselling Author of Genius Potential This past year has just been phenomenal for me and I hope for you as well. I have grown, matured and developed in major ways. I always like to take time to reflect and examine on what I have learned. Below is a list of ideas and philosophies that have helped me grow over this last year. I’m charged up and ready to help you make 2014 your best year ever… These 37 lessons will help you set up a great foundation for 2014. In 2014 I want you to be 100% in FOCUS mode. You know what FOCUS means: “Fixed On Continued Unique Significance” You know I think you are a GENIUS, now I want you to ACT on it!!! Let’s rock 2014!!! Here are the 37 things 2013 taught me…
I hope these 37 lessons help you set an amazing course for 2014. Let’s challenge each other to be our best in this coming year!!! Your Partner In Genius Living, Dr. Will Yesterday I profiled Henry Luce the founder of Time magazine. Today I will profile another individual that dared to act on their dreams. Dreams are simply ideas, but ideas are powerful. Ideas affect ours lives in every way. Everything you see, touch, feel and experience is an idea. From the shoes you wear to the car you drive everyday is an idea. Therefore your dreams can transform your life, like they have for each of the people I will profile this week. If you really want to lead the life you love, start to act on your dreams. Kemmons Wilson acted on his dream of providing a motel that provided quality service. Kemmons became very upset at the service that his family received during a family road trip. His idea was to provide better quality service one motel at a time. In 1952 he opened his first Holiday Inn in Memphis, and soon began to open up others. By 1964, just 12 years later, there were 500 Holiday Inns in America. All from a single idea. How many times have you been displeased with service you have received? We all have at some point, but for the majority of us, we just complain and walk away. Kemmons took an unpleasant experience and dreamed about how he could change it. Is there something in your life that you could improve and make better? I have noticed that dreams and ideas that seek to improve the quality of life for others prosper the most. Ideas have transformational power when acted upon. Here are a few ways to attract great ideas... 1. Instead of complaining, look for solutions. 2. Constantly ask yourself, how can something be made, done or said better. 3. Remember, most ideas seem dumb before they reach mass appeal. Be inspired by Kemmons Wislon to act on your dreams! Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer The average person processes over 60'000 separate thoughts per day, of which 90% occur subconsciously. Your thoughts are leading you somewhere!
So what's really keeping you from the success you desire? Is it a lack of money, education or opportunity? Maybe it was a mistake you made 10 years ago. How about the people in your life, maybe they are your biggest obstacles. Sorry, all those things I just mentioned, only block your success if you let it. The number one thing that blocks your success is your thinking. Because your thinking determines your actions and develops your habits. These two things; actions and habits are the controlling factors for success. But they are fueled by your thinking. Let me give you 6 quick things that will help transform your thoughts into winning thoughts. You have to think any way, so you might as well think the right things. One side bar note, you can't stop negative thoughts from coming into your mind, you just have to know how to remove them. 1. Have your biggest goal written down on a 3 x 5 card and review it often. 2. Create a vision board for you to see everyday. 3. Listen to positive information constantly. 4. Watch less of the news, it's usually all bad news. 5. Read biographies of successful people. 6. Use meditation and your imagination to envision yourself successful. Hope these few tips help you. What are some of the ways you defeat negative thinking? Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Have you ever purchased a brand new car? There are some things that come standard when you buy a new car, some features come with the car. The same is true with life. Challenges come standard with life. There would be no good, without bad, no hope without crissis, it's life.
You don't have to ask for challenges, look for them or do anything to attract them, they will show up regardless. So wisdom says, those that desire to be successful in life, don't try to avoid challenges but rather they prepare for them. Each of us that own a car usually get insurance to cover any damages in case of an accident. Not that you want to have an accident, but because there is a possibility of one and you want to be prepared. You must learn to do the same in every area of your life. There are 3 key areas that you need to have insurance in, or what I call added support in time of challenges. 1. Friend Insurance. 2. Financial Insurance. 3. Mental Insurance. Having the right friends in your corner when challenges come will greatly aid you in getting over the obstacles. The worse feeling in the world is going through challenges and feeling all alone. Examine your life and see if you have "Friend Insurance." People you can count on in challenging times. I know this seems like an almost impossible area to feel strong in, "Financial Insurance." But ask yourself the question, "if I needed $500-$5000 for a challenge where would I turn." Begin to put a blueprint in place to answer this question. Whether from a family member, friend or bank, know in advance where you would turn. Lastly, "Mental Insurance" is probaly the most important type of insurance you can have. Many people never seem to resolve problems becauase they cannot THINK clearly in times of challenges. Developing your mind with good information and resources before challenges hit, will allow you to operate and function much better. To call 911 in time of trouble as been rehearsed over and over in our minds, that's what will happen when you develop your mind. It will allow you to think solutions instead of worrying. Implement these 3 keys in your life to help overcome any challenges you will face in life. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Pass this on to 3 people you think may need it!!! Thanks, sharing is caring. Are you a person that makes to do list and at the end of the day feel bad because you didn't really finish anything on it? Do you beat yourself up for not finishing your to do list? Many people create unrealistic "TO DO LIST." Simply because they do not do honest assessments.
Everything on my personal to do list needs to be done, but it doesn't have to be done by me. Did you read that right? Yes it needs to be done, but it doesn't have to be done by you. Yes it needs to be done, but it may not need to be done today. Most people get tired mentally before they even start on their to do list. So here are a few questions to ask yourself about your list. 1. Does it have to be done by you?- Can you delegate the task to someone else? 2. Does it have to be done TODAY?- If you accomplish it today, will it move the big picture? 3. Do you really have the time to do it the RIGHT way today-If not, don't do it because you will have to come back to it ayway. Time and energy are two of your most valuable resources, but when you allocate your time and energy to the wrong things you accomplish nothing. Don't become the person that is always busy, but never productive. Evaluate your list against these three questions daily and position your task in the right place. Do the things that will move you toward the bigger goal. Doing less really is doing more, when the less you do produces big results. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Sharing Is Caring, Share With 3 People!!! Avoid these five all too expensive items to live out your Genius Life. The price for each is way too costly and will cost you more than you know.
1. Ignorance 2. Laziness 3. Racism 4. Unforgiveness 5. Fear Can you add to this list some things in life that are way too expensive? Look forward to hearing from you! Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Share this blog with 3 people please, let's transform lives!!! Kevin Daley also known as “Special K” of the world famous Harlem Globetrotters is today’s “Everyday Genius.” For the next several days I’m profiling people I consider “Everyday Geniuses”, people that are living from their Genius Potential. Today is day three, so make sure you check my last two blogs to learn about other “Everyday Geniuses.”
This conversation for me was special for me because Kevin and I went to high school together in California. To see Kevin impact the world in such a positive way is a great joy for me. When you meet Kevin you will see immediately why he fits with the world famous Globetrotters, his awesome personality is contagious. Kevin’s motto is “Just Keep Smiling.” To fully understand this motto you have to know a little about Kevin’s upbringing. Originally from Panama, his family moved to the United States when he was 12 years old. Coming to a new place was a challenge within itself, but coming to a new neighborhood and not knowing how to speak English very well, was very difficult. Not to mention the gangs, drugs and violence that surrounded this new environment. But Kevin was able to navigate and focus on his love for basketball and now enjoy a life he could only dream about. When I talked with Kevin he shared some powerful ideas about living your dreams. Even though he loved basketball, playing in the NBA was not his goal, his goal was making a career out of playing basketball, and I think that was a very important concept. Kevin didn’t limit himself to one idea of playing basketball professionally; this thinking allowed him more options to fulfill his goals. Kevin began to chart his course of allowing basketball to provide the life he always desired. Earning a scholarship to UCLA and then to Azusa Pacific to play basketball, Kevin was on his way. After college Kevin played overseas, first in Costa Rica and several other places overseas. Kevin recalled “I cried when I got that first check, it wasn’t much, but I was getting paid to play basketball.” Each year Kevin would travel back home in the summer to play in the Summer Leagues with players from the NBA. His play caught the eye of the Harlem Globetrotters and they eventually offered Kevin an opportunity to play basketball for their team. Kevin now is one of the featured players on the Globetrotters, travelling literally around the world to inspire, motivate and encourage fans while playing basketball. For Kevin, a dream come true. The most important thing I took away from our conversation was that we should never limit our dreams, goals or visions to one path, there are many ways we can pursue doing what we love. Kevin just wanted to make basketball a career. He is defiantly living from his Genius Potential. Follow Kevin’s tremendous journey on the Globetrotters website (www.harlemglobetrotters.com) or his personal site (www.3dquest.net). I hope you are realizing that you do can live from your Genius Potetnial, just like Kevin and the other Everyday Geniuses you have learned about. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential Dr. Will is coming to a city near you. Click hear to learn more. Today is day two of my conversations with “Everyday Geniuses.” People that have decided they will live from their Genius Potential.
Yesterday I profiled Dr. George C. Fraser of FraserNet, the largest African-American professional networking association. If you didn’t read yesterday’s blog, go ahead and read it, Dr. Fraser shared some great points on building relationships. One of the great thinkers I admire is Dr. Dennis Kimbro, author of What Makes the Great Great and Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice. I have been a student of Dr. Kimbro’s for years. In 2011 I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Kimbro twice. In our two conversations Dr. K shared some powerful ideas about reshaping our lives and building a successful life. Dr. K graduated from college and didn’t want to take the normal course that many of his college classmates were taking. There were two burning questions that he wanted to answer; 1. Why are some people successful and others are not 2. What makes the great great, what are the principals they live by This led him to begin research to answer these two questions. He started by interviewing successful business persons around the United States. He was contacted by the Napoleon Hill Organization to complete a book started by Napoleon Hill that explored successful African-American professionals. The conclusion was the book Think and Grow Rich a Black Choice. Dr. Kimbro shared with me that this seven year process was a process of determination, tough will, tears, heartache and pain. Five times he almost lost his home, two cars were repossessed and his lights turned off several times. With a wife and small children to support, he wanted to quit several times, but he knew if he could finish the project, his life and his family’s life would change forever. Here are some key take a ways from my two talks with Dr. Kimbro: 1. You must be committed to finishing what you start 2. Lean on your faith in times of doubt 3. Change your associations if they are not helping you grow 4. Be committed to your family 5. Set goals that will make you expand in life I always have a great time talking with Dr. K, he always has great insights to share with me. Hopefully these insights will help you on your journey. Learn more about Dr. Kimbro at http://www.denniskimbro.com/ Check out tomorrow’s blog for another great “Everyday Genius.” Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential GENIUS BOOK TOUR-CHECK FOR YOUR CITY HERE |
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015