For the next several days I will be sharing some insights from some people I call “Everyday Geniuses.” I came up with this term for my new book “Genius Potential” to profile individuals that have made the decision to live from their gifting, their purpose, that special something, that something I call your Genius Potential.
Individuals that have not allowed circumstances, hard times or lack of resources hold them back. In the book, I say the following “When you are serious about living from your Genius Potential, the Universe will respond to you in a positive way.” The first “Everyday Genius” I want to talk about is Dr. George Fraser, CEO and Founder of FraserNet, the largest Networking Association of African-American professionals. When I set down to speak with the Dr. Fraser, he shared with me his tragic upbringing, a story that included his mother being committed to a psychiatric ward when he was a little boy. Which led to his father giving him and his siblings up to the State, because he could not afford to take care of them. Fast forward and Dr. Fraser was able to overcome all the dificulties and decide that his life meant something and he was going to make something of himself. Discovering that he had a gift for connecting with people and seeing a void in the African-American community where professionals could meet and share business concepts, Dr. Fraser founded FraserNet. Over a decade later, FraserNet continues to make an impact in the lives of African-American professionals around the globe. Here are some key principals Dr. Fraser shared with me about networking and building lasting personal and professional relationships: 1. Add value first to whomever you want to connect with. 2. Follow –up with a unique greeting to everyone you wish to develop a relationship with. 3. Have professional looking business cards on you at all times. 4. Serve with excellence or don’t show up at all. 5. In this present economy, it is not good enough to be good or great, you must be amazing. Dr. Fraser has proven that everyone has Genius Potential and it doesn’t matter where you start, it only matters how YOU decide to finish. To learn more about Dr. Fraser and FraserNet, check out the following link. ( Check back tomorrow and find out about the next “Everyday Genius.” Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Moreland Author, Genius Potential JOIN ME FOR GENIUS POTENTIAL 2 DAY SEMINAR Become A Leadership Life Trainer
Many of my clients are usually on the fence about goal setting,
wondering does it really work. In my observation, most people are intimidated to set goals because they cannot "See How" they will accomplish them. For example, wanting to pursue a degree, but don’t know how they will pay for it. Another common goal people share with me is their desire to start a business, but fear they lack the capital to start a business. I always tell them you do not lack the time or opportunity to start researching about the business. Once you understand how goal setting works, you will not be able to live without it. I have been setting goals since high school, and they work. When you set goals, you are giving your energy, mind, time and resources something to act toward. Goals can be big, small, personal, family oriented or whatever. You just need to have some goals, write them down and ACT on them. When I tell my clients to ACT on their goals, they tend to focus on what they can’t do, rather then what they can do. The real key to achieving goals is doing what you can. Let me repeat that, the real key to achieving goals is doing what you can. If you want to return to school, ask yourself what can I do, you can research the school; you can ask questions about programs for returning adults to school. Ask friends, see if your current job will pay your tuition, DO WHAT YOU CAN. Once you start to do what you can, you will be amazed at how the universe and people respond to your actions. Here’s a personal example, several years ago I set a goal to be on a cover of a magazine that featured my passion of helping others succeed. Each of us has personal goals and this was one of mine. I wrote it down and I created a mock magazine cover for me to see. Visuals for me are very important, I need to see it. The next step was to “Do what I could.” And that was to keep adding value to people’s lives. Fast forward to February 2012 and I receive an email from Career Magazine stating that they wanted to feature me on the cover and interview me about my passion. Does goal setting really work? You better believe it! Here are the key steps: 1. Set some goals 2. Write them down 3. Get an image of what you want 4. Act on those goals, DO WHAT YOU CAN 5. Never stop believing So get to goal setting TODAY and watch your goals come to reality, one goal at a time. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Moreland Author, Genius Potential I would be honored if you "Liked, Shared or Tweeted" this blog, thanks! I am still in shock to hear of the passing of Whitney Houston, the iconic singer that left this life too soon. I often say, life at its longest is too short. Even though I know death is a part of life, I never get use to it. People all around the world die each day, but it is something about hearing when someone that has touched us with their genius dies. I was on my way to church and thought I heard that Whitney had died. But the broadcaster briefly mentioned it, so I thought I misunderstood him. By the time they returned to the story I was out the car.
Then I looked down at my phone and read the alert, "Singer Whitney Houston found dead." Those five words, bring a life of triumph, mistakes, love, laughter, sorrow and genius to an end. As church ended, I wanted to know more, As I pulled up my news feed, I read the words "Whitney Houston dead at 48 years of age." It instantly made me reflect on myself, I am only 36, Whitney was only 12 years older than me. I remember watching her in the Movie Bodyguard. I remember her smile in the Movie Precher's Wife. That voice that could make the toughest guy cry was gone. For the rest of the day I thought about how short a life she lived. It made me think of a few other people who lived far too short lives. President John F. Kennedy at 46, Princess Diana 36, Michael Jackson 50, Elvis Pressly 42 and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 36, all died too soon. But then I thought to myself, I only can mention these individuals because they left a legacy that cannot be erased or forgotten. Today, take a moment to think about your legacy. What legacy will you leave behind? The first environment you want to impact is that of your family. Next is your community. Lastly is the world. We all may not be remembered around the world when we die, but make sure the people that see you on an every day basis can say you impacted them in a postive way. No one knows when our last breathe will be taking, so live each day and give back each day as if it is your last. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Moreland Author, Genius Potential P.S. Share this blog with 3 people that need to be reminded to live life!!! Some times there is much that needs to be said, other times, silence is golden!!! Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential Sharing is caring, tell a friend about this blog! So today I am doing something that I rarely do. I know it's a bad habit that I am working to break, but I rarely stop to reflect how far I have come since growing up in Compton, California. If all goes according to my desires, I will turn 36 on tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy life to the fullest, I hear my friends saying "see we told you, you work too hard." But as I always tell them, I don't consider what I do work, I truly wake up each day excited about helping people succeed in life.
But today, I am sitting in my office, reflecting on this kid from Compton, who many thought wouldn't make it to his 18th birthday. As a get ready for part two of my life, I am truly excited; these first 35 years have been mixed with test, trials and triumphs. The journey, every bit of it has been worth it and I have learned from everything. My Grandmother, who died when I was 13, was one of my biggest supporters. When people would say that I wasn't worth anything, she always encouraged me and told me I was special. One of her biggest dreams for me was for her to be able to take me on an airplane ride. She died before she was able to, but I'm looking at my passport with stamps from over 25 countries on it and can't believe it. Growing up, one of my sole purposes was to make my Grandma proud of me. I wasn't quite sure how I would do it. When ever I would get into trouble, which was almost everyday, Grandma would always look at me with those soft brown eyes and say "Willard, you know better right?" I remember the last conversation I had with my Grandmother, as she lay in the hospital, telling me "I am ready." I looked back at her and said "Ok Grandma" A few days later, Grandma passed the torch to the next generation. As I sit here, I am so grateful and thankful for ALL that God has allowed me to experience. I'm ready for this new chapter. I want to thank everyone that has been a part of my life this first 35 years. Let's make the next 35 years GENIUS! Think Better, Live Better, Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential P.S. If you find value from my blog, please post a comment or share it with a friend! Do you know the number one reason why most people fail to grow as individuals and in business? Fear? Nope. Lack of resources? Nope. Bad ideas? Nope, many people have great ideas. In my experience of dealing with thousands of people, the number one reason they fail is because they fail to let go. They fail to let go of bad habits, practices and information, and the number one thing they fail to let go of is doing everything by themselves. You see these people all the time, they are tired, mad, exhausted and angry at the world. They feel over whelmed and stretched to the limits. Simply because they haven't learned to BUILD their success team. A crucial element to building a successful team is knowing that you can't do it ALL and you don't know it ALL. I am a TERRIBLE speller, but I have written over 10 books. Why? Because I have built me a writing team. I have a group of editors that review all my stuff. Now, I'm the doctor, I have the advanced degree, but I can't spell. Two things had to happen for the team to work. I had to be ok with my writing staff knowing I can't spell, and they had to be ok with correcting the Doc. It is now a running joke around the team that the Doc can't spell. And I'm ok with that, because the end goal is to produce a quality book. Whether I'm writing a book, blog or article, I know it has to go to the editor. It is one of the most freeing and liberating things when you can let go and build your team around your weaknesses. Did you read that? The way to build a championship team, is to build around your weaknesses. Kobe Byrant is a great basketball player, but it takes a team to win championships. Imagine Kobe trying to play one against five, he would be exhausted. Even if he was better than each player individually, as a team, they would beat him. That's how many of you are playing the game, one against all. Before this year is out, figure out who you need to add to the team, so in 2012 you can make a real run at success. Remember, Think Better, Live Better P..S. If there are any gramatical mistakes, it's because I didn't send this over to the editors......But you get my point! lol Don't Forget To Order Your Copy of "Genius Potential" Click Here!!! I don't know about you, but I'm glad the NBA lock out is over. As the season approaches, teams that are SERIOUS about contending for the championship are making some major personnel moves that will position them to compete. My favorite team, the Los Angeles Lakers, recently made a major trade. They dealt "Fan Favorite" Lamar Odom to the Houston Rockets. I believe this is a move that will put them in position to sign Dwight Howard. Can you say a championship move? A new year is right around the corner, are you making the right moves? Have you done an assessment of your life, business, team and power players? Just as every serious team is making moves to win, so do you and I. Let me share 5 key traits winners do each year. 1. They assess last years performance 2. They are honest about their results 3. They take responsibility for their results 4. They don't follow popular opinion 5. They make the necessary adjustments Follow this simple but yet profound blue print to ensure 2012 is a championship year for you. Remember, Think Better, Live Better P.S. Did you order your copy of my new book :Genius Potential Order it today @ ![]() Everyday I wake up knowing that I'm in position to encourage, help, inspire, motivate and provide insight to somebody. I go to bed each night knowing somewhere, somehow someone has been affected by my living. How can I be so sure you ask? I receive literally hundreds of emails each month from individuals sharing with me how a post on Facebook, or a Tweet, or something in one of my books have helped them. These emails help confirm what I have known for a long time, but the #1 reason I know my life of giving makes a difference, is because I'm living from my GENIUS POTENTIAL! Another way of saying this is I'm living from my place of passion, my unique gifting. Living from your GENIUS POTENTIAL is about doing what you were born to do. A Porche is designed to be driven fast, when it is made to drive at slow speeds, over time the car will malfunction. I lived in Germany for 14 years and I was able to experience driving at high speeds, driving 100 MPH was normal. You haven't driven until you are on the Autobahn at 6am in the morning, the road is clear and you are sitting behind the will of a high performance vehicle. Seeing the needle actually go from 0-60 in seconds. Watching the needle move over that 100 MPH, then hitting the 160 MPH. Ahhh what a rush!!! Have you ever noticed in your car that your speedometer says that you can drive faster? Well why don't you? Because of the speed limits placed on you right. That's how life is when you don't live from your GENIUS POTENTIAL! You are placing limits on your self, and your POTENTIALOMETER (New word alert)is saying you can live better. For years I knew I would be a teacher of some sort and a speaker. Others recognized it as well, some thought I would be a lawyer, a minister, or a politician. I grabbed concepts easily in school, and could communicate them to others well. In school, this however caused me to get in trouble a lot. Because I could understand the lessons so fast, I would get bored and loose focus. My mom, nor my teachers could understand, how I would do so well in class, but at the same time seem distracted and distract others. Actually, this was the beginning of my awareness of my GENIUS POTENTIAL. I would try to help the other students get it. Now this natural proclivity wasn't seen in every subject, I still hate Math, lol. But for subjects like English, History and Social Studies I excelled. Fast forward twenty years, and I am still trying to help people get it. Teaching is my passion, my gift, my GENIUS POTENTIAL. It was natural for me to study leadership and personal develop, it felt right, it felt good. And every time I have the opportunity to do so, I get energized. I can remember I grueling flight to Ghana one year, the flight was delayed, and had me arriving a day later than expected. Once I deported the plane, my host said "I know you must be very tired, but the seminar is in a few hours, will you be ready." I said no problem, just let me go to the hotel and freshen up. Even though I was tired, I knew, once I hit the podium, I would get a rush of energy. Doing what I love energizes me. We are a few weeks away from entering into a New Year. If you are not living from your GENIUS POTENTIAL, make the decision. For the most part, you know what you don't like doing. Focus in on what really brings you joy, happiness and fulfillment. I want you to go to sleep each night knowing your living is giving. And to wake up each morning excited because you have another opportunity to live to give your GENIUS to the world. Remember, Think Better, Live Better P.S., Need help identifying your GENIUS POTENTIAL, you might want to pick up my new book GENIUS POTENTIAL. To check it out, CLICK HERE! Join the Genius conversation on Facebook- GENIUS POTENTIAL Last night I attended a high school basketball game. My friend's son was playing in the game, so I went to support. At the beginning of the fourth quarter they were down by 20 points. As I looked at the faces of the young men on that court, their faces told a story of defeat, even though there was still eight minutes to be played, they doubted they had a chance to win. I couldn't help myself, I moved to the front row and begin to scream to each player to keep their heads in the game. As the referee blew the whistle to start the fourth, I started on the minds of those young men.
I told one kid, get ready, your opportunity to be big is coming, I told another kid, play big and smart. The score was 51-31, the crowd that was looking at me weird at the beginning started to see the body language of the players change. The crowd started to get involved. One lady turned to me and said "keep talking, because that coach sure doesn't have anything to say." See doubt is a paralyzing thing, the dictionary defines it as to consider unlikely, hard to believe and mistrust. When doubt is present, your confidence will be sapped. Many have failed to take the next step, to start a business or go back to school because an element of doubt was present. As I began to shout at each of those young men, something really begin to happen. They started playing harder and smarter. The turn overs that plagued them in the first three quarters were gone. With each shot made, their confidence grew. With four minutes to go, the score was 51-42, the atmosphere was electric. People where given high fives to each other, the young men were constantly looking toward me for words of encouragement. It was an awesome feeling. Before we knew it, the score was 54-51 with a minute to go. The other team made two free throws, 56-51. I looked #10 in the eyes, I said your moment is coming, be ready. Fifteen seconds left, #10 shoots a three pointer, he misses. BUT wait, there is a foul on the play. He goes to the line to shoot three free throws. First one, SWISH!! Second one, same thing. The third one looks short, barely rims in. The other team takes the ball down the court, the pressure defense is on. The score is 56-54. They turn the ball over with nine seconds remaining. Several players look over at me, I point to my head, PLAY SMART. The ball is being passed around, it's loose on the ground, time expires. Final score 56-54. The score board said they lost, but on this night, the Basha Junior Varsity Basketball team won. Because they learned, not to look at the score, just play the game with confidence. Remember, Think Better, Live Better Don't forget to order My new book Genius Potential (Click Here) _(SPANISH EDITION DOWNLOAD)
Several years ago I was hit with an internal question that shook my core being. As I was driving down the street in my nice suit and luxury car, the question that came to me was this "Can it transfer to the next generation?" For me the question was clear, would my present day success mean anything for my daughter. Had I properly set her up for success, or if I died would her struggle begin. While she was living a life I could only dream of as a child, the question remained, was she set up for her own personal success. The more I thought about the question, it lead me to think about my entire life and the success that I had achieved up until that time. It made me think, is my success helping others, I mean really helping others. I am a business man, so I understand that you provide a product to the consumer with excellent service and they in return exchange their money, and you make a profit. But beyond that, I wanted to know, if their contact with me made a difference. For as long as I could remember, I wanted to be successful, I think deep down all of us do. But I want to challenge you to go beyond success to significance. Success deals more on a personal level, more so what it can do for you, where significance is your impact on others. Success should be the platform that allows you to be significant. That question challenged me that day and continues to challenge me today, if you have ever heard me speak or just speak to me for five minutes, you will hear the word legacy come from me several times. Life really is about what you give back while you are living and what you leave when you die. When I changed my focus to being more significant, than successful, I became more successful. I believe the same thing will happen for you, when you impact one person, you are really impacting a generation. Zig Ziglar said it best, "When you help enough people become a success, you will be a success." Remember, Think Better, Live Better P.S. Have you got your copy of "Let This Mind Be In You" or Genius Potential" For a limited time purchase both for a special price. |
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015