Wanted to get this to you yesterday, but I dropped the ball. So I picked it back up and here you go, my 60 tips for living a GENIUS LIFE. I always say, you are living anyway, so you might as well live GENIUS. Too many sit on the side line of life and never experience the wealth of opportunities that life offer. Hopefully these 60 tips will give you some direction.
Simply click to download and reference back often so you too can live the GENIUS LIFE!!! 60 TIPS FOR GENIUS LIFE Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer
Leading well consist of doing three basic things that are broken down into sub-categories. I will only deal with the three major components in this blog. When you master these three things you begin to lay the foundation for a leadership legacy that will stand the test of times. When you look at the very best leaders they have these three components and do them well.
The three components are Vision Casting, Communication Skills and Compassion. Genius Leaders are able to vision cast and cast the vision in a way that is compelling and makes people want to be a part of the journey. When I think about Martin Luther King Jr. he displayed this ability well. When he made that infamous speech on the Washington Monument and said "I have been to the mountain top." He used words to paint a vivid picture of the future. Genius Leaders work at using words that will inspire, infuse and ignite fire in those that hear them speak. When I was in the military, General Eric Shinseki came to speak to my graduating class. His words pierced me and I still can recall them today. He spoke about how important my job as a Non-Commissioned Officer would be and the impact I could have as a young leader in the Army. Genius Leaders use words to paint pictures. Possessing great communication skills is a must for a leader that wants to influence their teams. A major part of being a leader is ensuring that what you are communicating is understood, not just stated. Many times a leader will state, but not wait to see if they are understood. I have learned that it is a good practice to ask those you are talking to, to repeat what they think you are saying. This saves time and ensures everyone is on the same page. Many leaders frown upon taking this essential step to make sure they are understood, but Genius Leaders know the value of being understood. Compassion is a trait I see missing in many people that lead. When you understand that leadership is a privilege, you will have a different perspective. Jim Collins in his book Good To Great outlines this trait in level five leaders, and John Maxwell calls a leader that has this trait a leader that has reached the pinnicle of leadership. Compassion takes you outside of yourself. Leadership is not about you, but those you lead. For you to have an impact that matters in a positive way, you have to have compassion. When leadership flows from compassion, you know it's about people and not processes. Genius Leaders have and show compassion. Integrate these three components into your leadership and watch your influence soar. Think Better, Live Better, Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer I love the topic of leadership, it motivates me so much. Every day I want to challenge you to "Act Like A Servant, Think Like A Leader." Have you ever seen a dog pulling a sled? The lead dog is called an Alpha Dog. The Alpha Dog is leading the other dogs, but at the same time, the Alpha Dog is serving, serving the owner of the sled.
To become great in life you must learn to serve others well with a spirit of excellence. Serving is the key to you becoming the person you desire to be. Serving others releases your "Genius Potential" and positions you to experience a feeling of fulfillment in life. Everyone is a leader, when you understand this, the next step is to lead you well. No matter where you work, or what position you have, you are a leader, not because of a title, simply because we are all leaders. A leader is anyone that has influence, and we all have that. So how do these two concepts work together, "Act Like A Servant, Think Like A Leader." Many people sit on the sideline talking about what should be done, or if they where in charge they would do this and that. When you act like a servant, you look for the opportunity to serve, and because you think like a leader, you don't wait for permission to do the right thing. This is an excerpt from my forthcoming book "Act Like A Servant, Think Like A Leader." Think Better, Live Better, Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential Genius Potential Seminar in your City: GP Seminar In our darkest hour we can find a reason to smile. With all of life's test, trials and tribulations we can still smile. So smile in the midst of it and keep on smiling.
Be Genius Today!!! Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential REGISTER TODAY FOR A GENIUS POTENTIAL SEMINAR IN YOUR CITY: GP SEMINAR Over the last couple of decades I have been learning, developing and growing as a person and leader. Here are 83 of some of the best ideas, thoughts and insights I have gathered over the years. Hopefully they will help
you grow and help others. Pass it on to others, let’s grow together. Simply download the PDF file here: Dr. Will's 83 Best Ideas on Leadership & Business Success Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential GENIUS POTENTIAL SEMINAR COMING TO A CITY NEAR YOU! LEARN MORE Another great conversation I had was with Andrea Bolder, the Olympic Gold Medalist. I had the opportunity to see Andrea run in high school, so to see her reach the pinnacle of athletic achievement was a great joy.
When I set down to talk with Andrea she shared some great tips on achieving success, not only in sports, but in life as well. We talked about following your passion and not following what others expected you to do. Advice she was able to give first hand. After her professional track career ended, Andrea leaned on her degree from UCLA to find a job in the Bio-Chemistry industry. Working for several years to build a successful career in her new field, Andrea found herself like many other career professionals, unfulfilled. Basically going through the regular routine of the day. She found herself depressed and hating life, in spite of having a loving family, she felt depleted. Andrea knew it was time for a shift. But with a family to help to support, and a “good job”, she would be crazy to leave her comfort zone. The following are the steps Andrea shared with me to help her make her transition into her new life as the “Gold Medal Marketer.” 1. Pray 2. Seek advice from others 3. Consult with your family 4. Trust that inner feeling 5. Act on your dreams These five steps helped transform Andrea into her new career. She knew she loved to help people and work in a team environment. Her parents had taught her how to be an entrepreneur and with her strong will, she had to find her niche. She found it by helping other entrepreneurs become successful in their business. Now enjoying her new life, Andrea made the shift to live from her Genius Potential. Andrea has a new book out and is building a successful business. Learn more at www.andreabolder.com Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential Kevin Daley also known as “Special K” of the world famous Harlem Globetrotters is today’s “Everyday Genius.” For the next several days I’m profiling people I consider “Everyday Geniuses”, people that are living from their Genius Potential. Today is day three, so make sure you check my last two blogs to learn about other “Everyday Geniuses.”
This conversation for me was special for me because Kevin and I went to high school together in California. To see Kevin impact the world in such a positive way is a great joy for me. When you meet Kevin you will see immediately why he fits with the world famous Globetrotters, his awesome personality is contagious. Kevin’s motto is “Just Keep Smiling.” To fully understand this motto you have to know a little about Kevin’s upbringing. Originally from Panama, his family moved to the United States when he was 12 years old. Coming to a new place was a challenge within itself, but coming to a new neighborhood and not knowing how to speak English very well, was very difficult. Not to mention the gangs, drugs and violence that surrounded this new environment. But Kevin was able to navigate and focus on his love for basketball and now enjoy a life he could only dream about. When I talked with Kevin he shared some powerful ideas about living your dreams. Even though he loved basketball, playing in the NBA was not his goal, his goal was making a career out of playing basketball, and I think that was a very important concept. Kevin didn’t limit himself to one idea of playing basketball professionally; this thinking allowed him more options to fulfill his goals. Kevin began to chart his course of allowing basketball to provide the life he always desired. Earning a scholarship to UCLA and then to Azusa Pacific to play basketball, Kevin was on his way. After college Kevin played overseas, first in Costa Rica and several other places overseas. Kevin recalled “I cried when I got that first check, it wasn’t much, but I was getting paid to play basketball.” Each year Kevin would travel back home in the summer to play in the Summer Leagues with players from the NBA. His play caught the eye of the Harlem Globetrotters and they eventually offered Kevin an opportunity to play basketball for their team. Kevin now is one of the featured players on the Globetrotters, travelling literally around the world to inspire, motivate and encourage fans while playing basketball. For Kevin, a dream come true. The most important thing I took away from our conversation was that we should never limit our dreams, goals or visions to one path, there are many ways we can pursue doing what we love. Kevin just wanted to make basketball a career. He is defiantly living from his Genius Potential. Follow Kevin’s tremendous journey on the Globetrotters website (www.harlemglobetrotters.com) or his personal site (www.3dquest.net). I hope you are realizing that you do can live from your Genius Potetnial, just like Kevin and the other Everyday Geniuses you have learned about. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential Dr. Will is coming to a city near you. Click hear to learn more. Today is day two of my conversations with “Everyday Geniuses.” People that have decided they will live from their Genius Potential.
Yesterday I profiled Dr. George C. Fraser of FraserNet, the largest African-American professional networking association. If you didn’t read yesterday’s blog, go ahead and read it, Dr. Fraser shared some great points on building relationships. One of the great thinkers I admire is Dr. Dennis Kimbro, author of What Makes the Great Great and Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice. I have been a student of Dr. Kimbro’s for years. In 2011 I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Kimbro twice. In our two conversations Dr. K shared some powerful ideas about reshaping our lives and building a successful life. Dr. K graduated from college and didn’t want to take the normal course that many of his college classmates were taking. There were two burning questions that he wanted to answer; 1. Why are some people successful and others are not 2. What makes the great great, what are the principals they live by This led him to begin research to answer these two questions. He started by interviewing successful business persons around the United States. He was contacted by the Napoleon Hill Organization to complete a book started by Napoleon Hill that explored successful African-American professionals. The conclusion was the book Think and Grow Rich a Black Choice. Dr. Kimbro shared with me that this seven year process was a process of determination, tough will, tears, heartache and pain. Five times he almost lost his home, two cars were repossessed and his lights turned off several times. With a wife and small children to support, he wanted to quit several times, but he knew if he could finish the project, his life and his family’s life would change forever. Here are some key take a ways from my two talks with Dr. Kimbro: 1. You must be committed to finishing what you start 2. Lean on your faith in times of doubt 3. Change your associations if they are not helping you grow 4. Be committed to your family 5. Set goals that will make you expand in life I always have a great time talking with Dr. K, he always has great insights to share with me. Hopefully these insights will help you on your journey. Learn more about Dr. Kimbro at http://www.denniskimbro.com/ Check out tomorrow’s blog for another great “Everyday Genius.” Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential GENIUS BOOK TOUR-CHECK FOR YOUR CITY HERE For the next several days I will be sharing some insights from some people I call “Everyday Geniuses.” I came up with this term for my new book “Genius Potential” to profile individuals that have made the decision to live from their gifting, their purpose, that special something, that something I call your Genius Potential.
Individuals that have not allowed circumstances, hard times or lack of resources hold them back. In the book, I say the following “When you are serious about living from your Genius Potential, the Universe will respond to you in a positive way.” The first “Everyday Genius” I want to talk about is Dr. George Fraser, CEO and Founder of FraserNet, the largest Networking Association of African-American professionals. When I set down to speak with the Dr. Fraser, he shared with me his tragic upbringing, a story that included his mother being committed to a psychiatric ward when he was a little boy. Which led to his father giving him and his siblings up to the State, because he could not afford to take care of them. Fast forward and Dr. Fraser was able to overcome all the dificulties and decide that his life meant something and he was going to make something of himself. Discovering that he had a gift for connecting with people and seeing a void in the African-American community where professionals could meet and share business concepts, Dr. Fraser founded FraserNet. Over a decade later, FraserNet continues to make an impact in the lives of African-American professionals around the globe. Here are some key principals Dr. Fraser shared with me about networking and building lasting personal and professional relationships: 1. Add value first to whomever you want to connect with. 2. Follow –up with a unique greeting to everyone you wish to develop a relationship with. 3. Have professional looking business cards on you at all times. 4. Serve with excellence or don’t show up at all. 5. In this present economy, it is not good enough to be good or great, you must be amazing. Dr. Fraser has proven that everyone has Genius Potential and it doesn’t matter where you start, it only matters how YOU decide to finish. To learn more about Dr. Fraser and FraserNet, check out the following link. (www.frasernet.urlyfe.com) Check back tomorrow and find out about the next “Everyday Genius.” Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Moreland Author, Genius Potential JOIN ME FOR GENIUS POTENTIAL 2 DAY SEMINAR Become A Leadership Life Trainer |
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015