Have you ever purchased a brand new car? There are some things that come standard when you buy a new car, some features come with the car. The same is true with life. Challenges come standard with life. There would be no good, without bad, no hope without crissis, it's life.
You don't have to ask for challenges, look for them or do anything to attract them, they will show up regardless. So wisdom says, those that desire to be successful in life, don't try to avoid challenges but rather they prepare for them. Each of us that own a car usually get insurance to cover any damages in case of an accident. Not that you want to have an accident, but because there is a possibility of one and you want to be prepared. You must learn to do the same in every area of your life. There are 3 key areas that you need to have insurance in, or what I call added support in time of challenges. 1. Friend Insurance. 2. Financial Insurance. 3. Mental Insurance. Having the right friends in your corner when challenges come will greatly aid you in getting over the obstacles. The worse feeling in the world is going through challenges and feeling all alone. Examine your life and see if you have "Friend Insurance." People you can count on in challenging times. I know this seems like an almost impossible area to feel strong in, "Financial Insurance." But ask yourself the question, "if I needed $500-$5000 for a challenge where would I turn." Begin to put a blueprint in place to answer this question. Whether from a family member, friend or bank, know in advance where you would turn. Lastly, "Mental Insurance" is probaly the most important type of insurance you can have. Many people never seem to resolve problems becauase they cannot THINK clearly in times of challenges. Developing your mind with good information and resources before challenges hit, will allow you to operate and function much better. To call 911 in time of trouble as been rehearsed over and over in our minds, that's what will happen when you develop your mind. It will allow you to think solutions instead of worrying. Implement these 3 keys in your life to help overcome any challenges you will face in life. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Pass this on to 3 people you think may need it!!! Thanks, sharing is caring.
Are you a person that makes to do list and at the end of the day feel bad because you didn't really finish anything on it? Do you beat yourself up for not finishing your to do list? Many people create unrealistic "TO DO LIST." Simply because they do not do honest assessments.
Everything on my personal to do list needs to be done, but it doesn't have to be done by me. Did you read that right? Yes it needs to be done, but it doesn't have to be done by you. Yes it needs to be done, but it may not need to be done today. Most people get tired mentally before they even start on their to do list. So here are a few questions to ask yourself about your list. 1. Does it have to be done by you?- Can you delegate the task to someone else? 2. Does it have to be done TODAY?- If you accomplish it today, will it move the big picture? 3. Do you really have the time to do it the RIGHT way today-If not, don't do it because you will have to come back to it ayway. Time and energy are two of your most valuable resources, but when you allocate your time and energy to the wrong things you accomplish nothing. Don't become the person that is always busy, but never productive. Evaluate your list against these three questions daily and position your task in the right place. Do the things that will move you toward the bigger goal. Doing less really is doing more, when the less you do produces big results. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Sharing Is Caring, Share With 3 People!!! Avoid these five all too expensive items to live out your Genius Life. The price for each is way too costly and will cost you more than you know.
1. Ignorance 2. Laziness 3. Racism 4. Unforgiveness 5. Fear Can you add to this list some things in life that are way too expensive? Look forward to hearing from you! Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Share this blog with 3 people please, let's transform lives!!! |
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015