My mentor told me long ago that success is not an event but a continual progress toward improving.
He gave me a 10 step process to use throughout my journey of improvement. Understanding that most situations are changeable and that you have power to change them puts you in a powerful position. Unfortunately, many people forfeit this personal power and live unfulfilled lives. These 10 steps will give you an outline to follow as you pursue your best life. Step #1- Review, Revise & Refocus on your Vision Your vision is your end picture; it is the reason why you wake up in the morning. The vision is that thing that excites you when you want to quit. Your vision should motivate you to keep pushing. Daily you should review your vision, read it out loud to yourself each day. Every quarter look at your vision to see if you need to revise it or make personal changes to ensure you accomplish the vision. During this same time, ask yourself are you still focused on your vision. If not, refocus on your vision. Step #2- Assess Your Obstacles Everyone will face obstacles on their pathway to success. This is normal for everyone. So the best practice is to identify and prepare, rather than hope you never run into obstacles. Talk with other people that are taking similar paths as you and ask them what obstacles they have faced. The better you become at predicting the obstacles, the faster you will be able to overcome them. Step #3- Study the Failures of Others My mentor taught me to learn from others mistakes. Educate yourself by learning how others have erred in the past; you don’t have to repeat the same mistakes. I can honestly say I have benefited by others willingly sharing their failures with me whether personally or through books. Step #4- Commit to Good Counsel Ideas are powerful; they are made even more powerful under the eye of examination. If an idea is really good never be afraid to put it through the tunnel of objection. Having others question your idea will give you the confidence that you have a good idea or even give you some insight on some things you may not have thought about. Step #5- Recognize Distractions Thousands of things are screaming for your attention. Places, people, events, problems and just about everything want your time and energy. You have to learn what and who deserves your time and when you are willing to give your time. Step #6- Tell the Truth About Your Present Situation Having a positive outlook on your situation is vital, but acknowledging the truth about your situation is vital. Many people try to ignore the consequences of a certain situation by just making a positive affirmation. This will not work if you are not taking the corrective measures to fix the situation. Step #7- Disconnect from Hazardous Habits & People Your habits and associations will have the greatest impact on your success journey. Ensure you identify unhealthy habits early and correct them. Constantly ask yourself is what I’m doing moving me forward or backward. Ask yourself is this relationship helping me or hindering me. Step #8- Improve Your Environment You must continue to grow. The way you do this is to frequently improve your environment of people, activities and experiences. Challenge yourself by upgrading the people you interact with on a continual basis. Try new activities and experience things you would not normally do. This process opens you to new perspectives in life. Step #9- Look for the Uncommon Path Your personal path to success may be very different than mine. It is true that we can learn from each other, but never become stuck on the way someone else achieved success, your path will be different. I would have never thought that my course would have taken me to the United States Army. Many people told me this was the wrong path, but it turned out to be a great path for me. Step #10- Know Your Season Every farmer knows that when they just plant their seeds not to look for a harvest the next day. They do know however that there are certain tasks that need to be completed. Such as watering, protecting and monitoring the field. Knowing what you need to do now is the key to your success. Continue to do the right things at the right time. Implement and review these 10 steps often and stay on track as you pursue your destiny. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Moreland Author, Genius Potential P.S.-If this blog helped you, share it with three people now! Thanks
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015