![]() "When a match has equal partners then I fear not." Aeschylus In 2014 one of your best moves will be to align yourself with the "RIGHT" partners. Think about some of the blind spots or opportunities you have had in the past and look to find strategic partners that can close the gap. When I look for new partners, I'm looking for a few significant things. Because at the end of the day, you will have to work with this person or company. Life is too short to be around people you don't like and doing work you don't love. I suggest you create you a "Can I Work With You List." Here is my "Can I Work With You List" 1. I must like you...PERIOD!!! 2. You must have PROVEN RESULTS!!! 3. I must see a way I can SERVE you!!! 4. The project has to be FUN!!! 5. The project has to have MEANING!!! Partnerships can be an amazing way to grow your business and enter into new arenas, just remember to partner with the "RIGHT" individual or company. What are some red flags for partnerships for you? Who makes a great partner in your eyes? Dr. Will America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Bestselling Author Genius Potential
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![]() The 37 Lessons I Learned in 2013 By Dr. Will Moreland Bestselling Author of Genius Potential This past year has just been phenomenal for me and I hope for you as well. I have grown, matured and developed in major ways. I always like to take time to reflect and examine on what I have learned. Below is a list of ideas and philosophies that have helped me grow over this last year. I’m charged up and ready to help you make 2014 your best year ever… These 37 lessons will help you set up a great foundation for 2014. In 2014 I want you to be 100% in FOCUS mode. You know what FOCUS means: “Fixed On Continued Unique Significance” You know I think you are a GENIUS, now I want you to ACT on it!!! Let’s rock 2014!!! Here are the 37 things 2013 taught me…
I hope these 37 lessons help you set an amazing course for 2014. Let’s challenge each other to be our best in this coming year!!! Your Partner In Genius Living, Dr. Will I don't know about you, but I'm glad the NBA lock out is over. As the season approaches, teams that are SERIOUS about contending for the championship are making some major personnel moves that will position them to compete. My favorite team, the Los Angeles Lakers, recently made a major trade. They dealt "Fan Favorite" Lamar Odom to the Houston Rockets. I believe this is a move that will put them in position to sign Dwight Howard. Can you say a championship move? A new year is right around the corner, are you making the right moves? Have you done an assessment of your life, business, team and power players? Just as every serious team is making moves to win, so do you and I. Let me share 5 key traits winners do each year. 1. They assess last years performance 2. They are honest about their results 3. They take responsibility for their results 4. They don't follow popular opinion 5. They make the necessary adjustments Follow this simple but yet profound blue print to ensure 2012 is a championship year for you. Remember, Think Better, Live Better P.S. Did you order your copy of my new book :Genius Potential Order it today @ www.willmoreland.com I was the one that most people thought would end up on a path full of trouble, and I gave them ever reason to think so. Bitter because I didn't have a male role model, nor the best living accommodations growing up in Compton, California. Mad because I didn't understand the beauty of my dark skin, so the constant teasing and name calling made me angry and troublesome. So I decided to use all of these obstacles as reasons to cheat myself out of my destiny and purpose in life.
Twenty years ago I was headed down the path to be that one you usually hear about, troubled teen, gang banger, in and out of jail, single parent home, you know that one. BUT, fifteen years ago, I DECIDED to "BE THE ONE", that you probably rarely hear about. The focused, determined, will not quit, will not make excuses, will live from my genius potential person. So now at 35 years of age, that young man that was destined for a life full of disappointments, can honestly say to anyone, you can make the decision to "BE THE ONE." Now to "BE THE ONE" is no walk in the park, don't let anyone fool you, but it is possible. You may be asking, what exactly do I mean when I say "BE THE ONE." I'm talking about allowing yourself to live your best life, waking up everyday with a smile on your face and not a frown. Enjoying every ounce of like inspite of the challenges you may face. Any one can make, find or create an excuse to live beneath their potential, but when you decide to "BE THE ONE" you are living life at full throttle. You are living from your Genius Potential! Let me share just a few things that will help you "BE THE ONE." 1. Make a decision that your life is worth you giving your best 2. Develop a strong mental picture of you achieving great things in your passion area 3. Separate from toxic people in your life 4. Change the places you go, only go to places that lead you to becoming the person you want to be 5. Live by new principles, principles that require you to be, do and give your best 6. Slap fear in the face, because he is no match for you 7. Take ACTION now, focus on what you can do, what you do have and multiply it These seven keys will provide a strong foundation for you to "BE THE ONE." Remember, Think Better, Live Better I'm amazed at how people make the choice to "Do It Themselves." I consult with countless people who are tired and ready to quit because they feel overwhelmed by the task they need to perform for their businesses to function each day. One of the first questions I ask when I meet with someone is to ask them "What do you think you need to be successful?" I always get a variety of answers, some say more staff, more money, or more resources. But in most cases, they are lacking a workable system. Many small businesses and entrepreneurs feel they have to continue to do EVERYTHING by themselves.
We are living at one of the greatest times known to mankind, with technology, social media and people resources all around us. Man, I am loving this time. When you stop and think about the resources we have literally at our finger tips, you have more resources than you can handle. So my question today is, "Are You Taking Advantage of Your Resources?" Have you taken the time to ask yourself what do I really need for my business, life or family to function better. Then take a serious look around you, the ANSWER is there. I am always blown away when I do a Google search, how many other people had the same question as I did, and how many answers are waiting for me. The "Law of Receiving" says ask and you shall receive, but many fail to ask for the help or assistance they need. For some reason, we feel like asking diminishes our knowledge base in our given field. My area of expertise is in leadership and personal development, I never feel I need to be a computer expert, or any other expert. I love to dress and put unique outfits together, so I'm always on the look out for an outstanding color combo. I usually will turn to fashion expert Alex Ellis of Simply Ellis. I will go to his website or Facebook page and look at what he is wearing. I have even called him to ask him a few questions on occasion. When I am on Facebook, there are two groups I turn to for expert advice, Social Media Swag and But I Don't Want a Real Job, the information from the experts in these groups are always on point. People are looking to share their expert advice with you. I mean there is all kinds of help out there, ASK FOR IT! Let me close by sharing a few of my power team players, I will share more in the future. I encourage you to share with me and others some of your power team players, who do you glean from. Add them in the comment area of this blog. POWER TEAM PLAYERS: 1. Dr. Vernet Joseph (Motivation and Inspiration) 2. Dr. DeJarra Sims (Health Care) 3. Pam Perry (PR and Social Media Expert) 4. Isha Cogborn (Life Coach) 5. Tanya Smith (Brand Management Resources) 6. Tai Goodwin (The Career Makeover Coach) 7. Stephanie C. Harper (Human Resources Expert) 8. Walethia Aquil (Certified Image and Etiquette Coach) 9. Mechelle Tucker (Networking Mastermind) 10.PHX Soul (Up to date info on Phoenix Arizona) Remember, Think Better, Live Better Do you find yourself DOING a lot of things, but seem to be getting no where? Maybe it's because you are being busy and not productive. Productive and busy are totally two different worlds a part. I call busy the treadmill syndrome, you are sweating, you are moving, your legs hurt, but you are in the same place. You even brag that you went five miles, but actually it was the same as you riding around in a circle in your car.
Successful people have learned it's not about being busy, but being productive. Productive people can do less than a busy person, but have greater results. Let me give you an example, I am a professional speaker and I provide leadership training to corporations. Each week I devote a certain amount of time to introducing myself and my services to new potential clients. I must ensure that the corporations I contact need my services and can afford my services. I could send out 100 emails to companies that don't need or cannot afford my services. Now to say I sent out 100 emails may sound impressive, but it's not productive. See, I could send out five emails to the "RIGHT" cliental, receive two conformations back, and that would be more productive than receiving 25 emails from the wrong client. So, do an assessment on your activities, are they really returning value to you, or are you wasting time, effort, money and energy. The Law of Productivity says I receive high value return for my efforts. Remember, Think Better, Live Better |
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015