How can you make 2015 your best year ever? Simple, become a 10X Game Changer.
What is a 10X Game Changer? A person that goes BIG and I mean real BIG. You do know that it takes the same about of energy to think small as it does to think BIG right. I remember reading an article where Donald Trump the BIG TIME real estate developer and TV personality said “The same effort it takes to build a small hotel is the same effort it takes to build the BIG hotels I build, so I go BIG.” I love what the great late Jim Rohn use to say. “It’s not that people aim to high and miss, it’s that they aim to low and hit.” For 2015 to be your best year ever, you have to carry around a BIG BAG. What do I mean by carrying around a BIG BAG? You have to set… BIG BOLD AUDACIOUS GOALS Many times when I tell people about carrying a BIG BAG they get intimidated and want to shrink back to small goals. A lot of people tell me “What If I Don’t Accomplish My Big Audacious Goals?” The first thing I reply is “What If You Do!” We are so trained to gravitate to the negative and think failure first. But failure is not always bad. Let’s say you wanted to get out of debt and you needed $50,000 to accomplish that goal. If you set a goal to earn an extra $50,000 but you only earned $25,000, you may have failed, but you are better off at $25,000 at this new number than before. But let’s say you went BIG and decided to carry a BIG BAG and set a goal to earn $150,000 extra this year. And on December 31st 2015 you only managed to earn $90,000. You would be $40,000 over what you really needed. See how setting BIG BOLD AUDACIOUS GOALS puts you in a better position. This type of thinking will help you produce at higher levels in all areas of your life. Don’t just aim to lose weight, aim to live a heathier life, that’s a BIG BAG. Shoot to take 3 or 4 vacations this year, not just one. Aim for the Marathon, not just the 10k this year. Each year professional athletes and teams, the ones that set BIG BAG’s for themselves, always shoot for the championship. I can tell a sub-par thinking coach or team when they say “Well we just hope to make it into the play-offs or have a good year.” That type of thinking will never get you to the top. You hear people say things like: 1. I want to be REALISTIC. 2. I don't want to put too much pressure on myself. 3. I don't want to be disappointed. When you think like this, notice where all the focus is. It’s in “I.” High achievers know once they set BIG Bold Audacious Goals, they can’t do it alone. They don’t focus on the HOW or themselves. They immediately start to focus on the WHO. Once you set Big Bold Audacious Goals you start looking for the team that can help you accomplish the goal. Build a team that helps you when the championship. You are the center piece, but you need the supporting cast members to help you reach the top. Write down your Big Bold Audacious Goals. Make sure they are Clear, Concise and Concrete. CLEAR My Big Bold Audacious Goal is CLEAR when I can easily convey it to others. This is important because those you elicit to help need to understand your goals. CONCISE Your Big Bold Audacious Goals should be short and to the point. Easy to remember and repeat at will. CONCRETE Your Big Bold Audacious Goals should have measurable time frames and achievement markers. In 2015 and beyond you can’t afford to play small, think small or set small goals. We are living in a time where life is throwing out some big time obstacles. For you to hurdle over them, you need to take a BIG JUMP. If you are ready to set Big Bold Audacious Goals for yourself and your business, you need to join me for my 4 Week Training called “10X GAME CHANGER.” I’m going to walk you through how to get over your self-limiting beliefs, how to create a winning attitude, how to defeat the doubt in your mind and so much more. If you are tired of barely making it, your business struggling and you not having enough time to enjoy life, then you need to join me. To learn more about this training and secure your limited spot, log onto This is the year you CRUSH it!!! Dr. Will Moreland Author of Copycat Millionaire America’s #1 Leadership Life Trainer
![]() "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future" On January 22 I turned 38. Each year I sit back and reflect on what I have learned from life. Last year I shared “37 Things I Have Learned from Genius Leaders.” This year I thought about many of my mentors and some of the great people I have had the opportunity to work with. People like Les Brown, regarded as the world’s #1 Motivational Speaker, James Malinchak, ABC’s Secret Millionaire, Real Estate Guru Dolf De Roos, Leadership Expert Dr. Ken Blanchard and many others. I actually looked in my journal at the notes I took from my conversations with these high achievers and created a list from what I learned from them. I hope you enjoy. Stay tuned, I’ll be writing a book to elaborate more on each point. 38 Lessons...
Dr. Will Best Selling Author Genius Potential ![]() "A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard-work." Colin Powell Almost 15 days into the New Year and I see some people have given up already. They have fallen back into old habits and are headed for another average lack luster year. What happen? You wrote down your goals, you told everyone your New Year's Resolution, you created your vision board and you were ready for 2014 to be your best year. SO WHAT HAPPEN? As with many people, we all have good intentions of doing better, but do we have a plan, a legit step by step plan to accomplish our goals. I'm not even saying you have to know exactly what you need to do, but you do have to have in place daily action steps to take you toward your goals. So here are 3 quick action steps to get you back on track: 1. Ask the most disciplined person you know to hold you accountable each week. 2. Invest in a personal development coach/trainer. 3. Turn off the TV and get off the couch. Here's to Helping You Live Genius!!! Dr. Will Best Selling Author Genius Potential ![]() A quick reminder to finish your work. I was sitting here thinking about the Kansas City Chiefs vs Colts game (Sorry JJ Birden). The Chiefs were winning the game, most people watching the game thought the Chiefs had the game wrapped up. I can imagine when the Chiefs looked at the scoreboard leading by 20 or so points, I'm sure they thought they could take it easy and coast to victory. But just like in life, you can't afford to let your foot off the gas. You must finish until the end. Until the scoreboard reads 0:00. What does this mean to you and me? Whatever we are working on, we have to finish it. Don't let up, if you are suppose to work until 5pm, don't stop at 4:30. If you are suppose to work out for 30 minutes, don't cheat and stop at 25 minutes. PLAY UNTIL THE END!!! Dr. Will America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Bestselling Author Genius Potential ![]() "When a match has equal partners then I fear not." Aeschylus In 2014 one of your best moves will be to align yourself with the "RIGHT" partners. Think about some of the blind spots or opportunities you have had in the past and look to find strategic partners that can close the gap. When I look for new partners, I'm looking for a few significant things. Because at the end of the day, you will have to work with this person or company. Life is too short to be around people you don't like and doing work you don't love. I suggest you create you a "Can I Work With You List." Here is my "Can I Work With You List" 1. I must like you...PERIOD!!! 2. You must have PROVEN RESULTS!!! 3. I must see a way I can SERVE you!!! 4. The project has to be FUN!!! 5. The project has to have MEANING!!! Partnerships can be an amazing way to grow your business and enter into new arenas, just remember to partner with the "RIGHT" individual or company. What are some red flags for partnerships for you? Who makes a great partner in your eyes? Dr. Will America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Bestselling Author Genius Potential ![]() "My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure." Abraham Lincoln (Photo:New York Times) Well we are four days into the New Year and I failed already!!! This past week I have been in California conducting some training and now I’m sitting in my hotel room reviewing my weekly goal sheet. As I was giving each area a grade, I got to the part about health and fitness and had to give myself an F grade. I haven’t worked out the whole time here in California. To be VERY HONEST, I didn’t even plan to. When I left Arizona I left my workout clothes at home on purpose. I made the excuse that I didn’t want to carry extra stuff. How about you? Have you failed in areas you said you were going to succeed in already this year? Maybe you like me said you were going to workout more, maybe start reading each day. That’s why it is so important to do weekly checks so we can identify when we are off the track. As I was sitting here writing down why I failed this week in the area of fitness I realized that I failed even before I got started. I went back to when I was packing my bag and remember all the excuses I was telling myself. “You are not going to have time; you don’t want to carry all that stuff, excuse after excuse. So as I writing down the solution part on my goal sheet, I thought about some techniques that could help you and I achieve our goals. #1 Have a CLEAR blueprint how you will achieve your goal. I simply didn’t plan out when I was going to workout during my trip. Because I didn’t plan it, I didn’t do it. When you write down a clear plan you will be ahead of the game. #2 Train yourself to CHALLENGE all negative or limiting thoughts. I gave in to the thoughts about not having time and my back being to heavy. The truth is my body wants to reject this new life style, so I must challenge it quickly and remember my why. #3 CHECK your results often. If you see yourself allowing yourself to slip up on your goals, you will be off track. I could actually see where this type of thinking was leading me. I could see myself getting back home and telling myself on Monday, take it easy you just got home, and take a few days off. Before you know it, a month goes by. #4 When you see you are off track CORRECT the negative behavior fast. So I decided not having my workout clothes was not a reason not to workout. I look around my hotel room to see what exercises I could to. This is how you challenge the negative and limiting behavior. Take action to get back on track. #5 CANCEL your subscription to excuseville. In 2014 we are not making and accepting excuses from ourselves, you know it and I know it, we are far better than our excuses, don’t allow a limiting power to defeat you. I’m committed to winning big in 2014 and I know you are as well. I hope these few techniques help you achieve your goals. Remember to do something exciting this weekend!!! Your Partner In Genius Living, Dr. Will ![]() The 37 Lessons I Learned in 2013 By Dr. Will Moreland Bestselling Author of Genius Potential This past year has just been phenomenal for me and I hope for you as well. I have grown, matured and developed in major ways. I always like to take time to reflect and examine on what I have learned. Below is a list of ideas and philosophies that have helped me grow over this last year. I’m charged up and ready to help you make 2014 your best year ever… These 37 lessons will help you set up a great foundation for 2014. In 2014 I want you to be 100% in FOCUS mode. You know what FOCUS means: “Fixed On Continued Unique Significance” You know I think you are a GENIUS, now I want you to ACT on it!!! Let’s rock 2014!!! Here are the 37 things 2013 taught me…
I hope these 37 lessons help you set an amazing course for 2014. Let’s challenge each other to be our best in this coming year!!! Your Partner In Genius Living, Dr. Will ![]() "It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen." Muhammad Ali So yesterday we started this journey in part 1 trying to figure out "What's So Hard About Success." Well the first thing you have to do is reprogram yourself to BELIEVE success is not hard. Success is a formula, a science and who ever can master the formula will achieve success. In studying successful people over the last decade or so, many of whom I wrote about in Genius Potential I discovered it's not that success is so hard, it's becoming the person that success is attracted to. I found 8 traits that successful people possess that make them attractive to success. When you possess these 8 traits and mix them with the external traits of working smart, working hard and working right you will achieve massive success. Many people work HARD, but their inner wiring system is working HARDER to defeat them. For example, a person works HARD, but while they are working, they constantly tell themselves what they are doing is useless, a waste of time and stupid. Your inner wiring system, your negative self talk is fighting against your efforts, your mindset is more powerful than any external work you can do. It's called self sabotage. If you think wrong, you will speak wrong and when you speak wrong you will live wrong. #1 Trait-Belief The first trait that highly successful people possess is a strong belief in themselves and what they are doing. They believe success is possible and not only possible, but possible for them to achieve. It amazes me how many people I talk to and they don't believe success is possible for them. I recently had a conversation with a friend and we were recounting our days when we were homeless and down to nothing. We both had to make a decision that our current condition was not permanent and we believed that brighter days were ahead of us. Today, Jeff and I are true testimonies that a strong belief in yourself can catapult you into a new world. Everything is initiated by belief, belief is the engine to ALL success. For man to walk on the moon, someone had to believe it was possible. The Wright Brothers had to believe flight was possible. If you don't truly believe success is possible for you, you won't do the work that is required. You will quit and give up at the slightest opposition. The other part of belief is believing that what you are doing is leading you to the success you want. Now this is tricky, because you may say, I have a job that I don't care about, it has nothing to do with my passion. You have to learn to respect the job for what it is. It is helping you pay your bills, put a roof over your head and food on the table. You must develop the attitude that says, "I'm doing what I have to do, so I can eventually do what I want to do." You are currently sowing seeds of good for your own future. So even though the job is not your ideal job, you must have the right attitude toward your job. I wrote a book called "How to Be Happy at Work" you can download it for free. Read the book and find ways to be happy at work. All high achievers possess this trait of belief. I tell people all the time, when I was homeless, I was never hopeless. I had a constant belief that the situation was temporary, I believed that I would get back on my feet. I love the quote by Les Brown that says "If you get knocked down and you can look up, you can get up." Check your belief gauge today, ask yourself, "Do I truly believe success is possible for me?" Don't worry about how you will achieve it, you just need to believe it!!! Do you have a strong belief in yourself? How did you develop it? Do you struggle to believe in yourself? Share it in the comments below. Wishing you nothing but genius success, Dr. Will Best Selling Author Genius Potential ![]() "I've failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan I have studied success and what it takes to be successful for over 10 years now and feel pretty comfortable saying I know the formula. I discovered this formula for myself after reading hundreds of books, attending many seminars and being mentored and coached by some great individuals. And what I discovered was that success was not hard to achieve at all. I know what you are saying, "Yes it is, that's why I'm not successful." But I beg to differ, success is a science, a formula. Like baking a cake, you get all the ingredients together, put it in the right situation and give it some time and you will get results. In all my years of study, the number one thing I found that keeps people from achieving success is themselves. Yep, we have found the enemy and the enemy is ourselves. According to many studies, 85% of millionaires are self made, meaning they were not born into wealth. Many of them started with nothing. Most of the people we admire on Television and in movies had to endure the same hardships as you and I, they did one thing different. They decided to GET OVER THEMSELVES! Once they decided to get over themselves they implemented 8 traits I have identified to achieving genius success in life and business. Over the next several days I will share these 8 traits, so come back and check out the blog. Tell your friends so they can learn with you. Here's a peek at number one, belief in self was one of the key traits that ALL high achievers possess. It's one thing to to believe it's possible, it's another thing to believe it's possible for you. Check back tomorrow to read the rest! Wishing you nothing but genius success, Dr. Will Best Selling Author Genius Potential ![]() "The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire, not things we fear." Brian Tracy I was talking to a new client yesterday and they raised a "problem" that almost everyone I talk to seems to have. Before they finished telling me the issues they were having in their business, I knew they were going to say, "We just don't have enough time in a day." If you have said this before or find yourself saying this a lot, keep reading. I'm going to share some tips with you to help you laser in on the success you want. Whether it's having more productive days, reaching goals faster or getting organized, these tips will help. Tip #1- Define what success really looks like for you. This is vital to really achieving success, to have a clearly defined picture of what success looks like for you. Many people are trying to achieve things that are really not important to you. I was listening to Stedman Graham one day in a seminar and he had us do an exercise that really help me narrow down what success looks like for me. We took out a piece of paper and wrote out in 20 seconds what was important to us in life. At the end of 20 seconds whatever you had on the list is what you should focus on. Most people had written down family, freedom, financial independence, good health and happiness. Then he ask the ALL important question, "How many of your lives are designed to achieve what's most important to you?" Almost no hands with up in the place. So my challenge to you is to really TAKE, MAKE, SET ASIDE the time to write down your list in 20 seconds. Tip #2- Structure your day to finish key task. Stop it with the long laundry list of stuff you know you are not going to do. Just looking at your list makes you tired. Focus in on some key task that will help you reach bigger goals. When you compare your list to the time you have in a day to accomplish anything, then you really don't have enough time in a day. But you do have time to do 2 or 3 key task. That would be 10 to 12 task done a week, far better than looking at a list of 100 things and doing none of them. Tip #3- Spread the wealth. Everything really doesn't have to be done by you. I know you think you are the only one that can do it, but you are not. And no the other person is not going to do it like you, but it will get done and you will be ok. When you learn to work as a team, you can do more. I love the acronym T.E.A.M "Together Everyone Achieves More." So look for opportunities to spread the wealth around, whether it's at home or in the office, don't be a "Do-It-All-By-Myself" person. You defiantly will not have enough time for anything. Implement these three tips to experience more success! Wishing You Nothing But Genius Success, Dr. Will |
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015