![]() "My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure." Abraham Lincoln (Photo:New York Times) Well we are four days into the New Year and I failed already!!! This past week I have been in California conducting some training and now I’m sitting in my hotel room reviewing my weekly goal sheet. As I was giving each area a grade, I got to the part about health and fitness and had to give myself an F grade. I haven’t worked out the whole time here in California. To be VERY HONEST, I didn’t even plan to. When I left Arizona I left my workout clothes at home on purpose. I made the excuse that I didn’t want to carry extra stuff. How about you? Have you failed in areas you said you were going to succeed in already this year? Maybe you like me said you were going to workout more, maybe start reading each day. That’s why it is so important to do weekly checks so we can identify when we are off the track. As I was sitting here writing down why I failed this week in the area of fitness I realized that I failed even before I got started. I went back to when I was packing my bag and remember all the excuses I was telling myself. “You are not going to have time; you don’t want to carry all that stuff, excuse after excuse. So as I writing down the solution part on my goal sheet, I thought about some techniques that could help you and I achieve our goals. #1 Have a CLEAR blueprint how you will achieve your goal. I simply didn’t plan out when I was going to workout during my trip. Because I didn’t plan it, I didn’t do it. When you write down a clear plan you will be ahead of the game. #2 Train yourself to CHALLENGE all negative or limiting thoughts. I gave in to the thoughts about not having time and my back being to heavy. The truth is my body wants to reject this new life style, so I must challenge it quickly and remember my why. #3 CHECK your results often. If you see yourself allowing yourself to slip up on your goals, you will be off track. I could actually see where this type of thinking was leading me. I could see myself getting back home and telling myself on Monday, take it easy you just got home, and take a few days off. Before you know it, a month goes by. #4 When you see you are off track CORRECT the negative behavior fast. So I decided not having my workout clothes was not a reason not to workout. I look around my hotel room to see what exercises I could to. This is how you challenge the negative and limiting behavior. Take action to get back on track. #5 CANCEL your subscription to excuseville. In 2014 we are not making and accepting excuses from ourselves, you know it and I know it, we are far better than our excuses, don’t allow a limiting power to defeat you. I’m committed to winning big in 2014 and I know you are as well. I hope these few techniques help you achieve your goals. Remember to do something exciting this weekend!!! Your Partner In Genius Living, Dr. Will
The average person processes over 60'000 separate thoughts per day, of which 90% occur subconsciously. Your thoughts are leading you somewhere!
So what's really keeping you from the success you desire? Is it a lack of money, education or opportunity? Maybe it was a mistake you made 10 years ago. How about the people in your life, maybe they are your biggest obstacles. Sorry, all those things I just mentioned, only block your success if you let it. The number one thing that blocks your success is your thinking. Because your thinking determines your actions and develops your habits. These two things; actions and habits are the controlling factors for success. But they are fueled by your thinking. Let me give you 6 quick things that will help transform your thoughts into winning thoughts. You have to think any way, so you might as well think the right things. One side bar note, you can't stop negative thoughts from coming into your mind, you just have to know how to remove them. 1. Have your biggest goal written down on a 3 x 5 card and review it often. 2. Create a vision board for you to see everyday. 3. Listen to positive information constantly. 4. Watch less of the news, it's usually all bad news. 5. Read biographies of successful people. 6. Use meditation and your imagination to envision yourself successful. Hope these few tips help you. What are some of the ways you defeat negative thinking? Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Everyday I'm learning that if you want to achieve your highest level of success you have to be willing to do what many others find difficult to do. Doing the little things over and over, doing the right things at the right time and doing everything with a spirit of excellence. And finally doing it with the right people.
Two years ago Lebron James made an announcement that he would be taking his talents to South Beach to play along side Dewayne Wade and Chris Bosh and the rest of the Miami Heat. Many people hated on Lebron for the decision, citing various reasons. I for one hated the decision because I knew this would form a powerful team, one that would make it hard for my beloved Lakers to win their 17th ring any time soon. Well just two years later Lebron has his ring and there are some vital lessons we can learn from his journey. What he could not do in 7 years with the Cavaliers, he was able to do in 2 years with the Heat. Why? Because he was willing to change teams. Change in and of itself is difficult for most people. I heard it said before, that the only person that likes change is a baby in a wet diaper. Change will occur in life by itself anyway, so why would anyone want to choose to change? Because you know that there is another level for you. So what vital lessons can we learn from Lebron. CAN YOUR CURRENT TEAM GET IT DONE? For 7 years Lebron tried to win a ring with the Cavaliers, the closest he got was in 2007. During his time with the Cavaliers, Lebron won MVP of the League twice, a few Scoring Titles and was a constant on the All-Star team. So it wasn't because of a lack of personal effort that he didn't win a ring. Many people are working very hard to achieve success, doing "everything they can" and they still haven't reached the level of success they desire. It's time to evaluate who you are trying to win with. Are you trying to do it by yourself or with a team that is just not going to get you over the hump. When the opportunity came for Lebron to change teams, he had to ask himself, can I reach my ultimate goal of winning a championship with the Cavaliers. PREPARE FOR THE CRITICS. Once Lebron made the decision the critics came out, aka haters. Even the owner of the Cavaliers attempted to put a curse on Lebron for leaving to go to Miami. It seemed like every time I turned on Sports Center they were talking about Lebron and the huge mistake it was for him to move to the Heat. Lebron admitted that all the talk really got to him and turned him into a different player. The first year Miami did go to the championship, but lost to the Dallas Mavericks. The critics game out again saying that the team couldn't play together. In a recent interview Lebron stated "I played angry that first year in Miami, I wasn't enjoying the game and that's not how I play the game." Don't allow the negative talk because of your choice cause you to become a different person, stay on course. REMEMBER THE REASON FOR THE CHANGE. Lebron lost focus of why he changed teams. It wasn't to prove he was the best player or a dominate player. It wasn't to see if he could make the last shot, it was ONLY to win a championship. When you make a change, remember why you made the change. Don't lose focus of the major goal. When Lebron game back for year 2, he regained focus on why he came to the Heat, to win a championship. If you are finding it hard to achieve the success you desire, maybe it's time to change teams. Ask yourself, can my current team get it done. Does anyone on your team have what you want? Lebron didn't just go to any team, he went to a team that had RESULTS! Miami had another All-Star in Dewayne Wade that has a ring, a General Manager in Pat Riley that has multiple rings and a Coach that had won a ring as an assistant coach Eric Spoelstra. Changing will be tough, many will not understand, critics will talk, haters will hate. But at the end of the day you have to ask yourself......Do You Want To Win? Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer P.S. Share this with your family and friends, it may change their life! Have you ever purchased a brand new car? There are some things that come standard when you buy a new car, some features come with the car. The same is true with life. Challenges come standard with life. There would be no good, without bad, no hope without crissis, it's life.
You don't have to ask for challenges, look for them or do anything to attract them, they will show up regardless. So wisdom says, those that desire to be successful in life, don't try to avoid challenges but rather they prepare for them. Each of us that own a car usually get insurance to cover any damages in case of an accident. Not that you want to have an accident, but because there is a possibility of one and you want to be prepared. You must learn to do the same in every area of your life. There are 3 key areas that you need to have insurance in, or what I call added support in time of challenges. 1. Friend Insurance. 2. Financial Insurance. 3. Mental Insurance. Having the right friends in your corner when challenges come will greatly aid you in getting over the obstacles. The worse feeling in the world is going through challenges and feeling all alone. Examine your life and see if you have "Friend Insurance." People you can count on in challenging times. I know this seems like an almost impossible area to feel strong in, "Financial Insurance." But ask yourself the question, "if I needed $500-$5000 for a challenge where would I turn." Begin to put a blueprint in place to answer this question. Whether from a family member, friend or bank, know in advance where you would turn. Lastly, "Mental Insurance" is probaly the most important type of insurance you can have. Many people never seem to resolve problems becauase they cannot THINK clearly in times of challenges. Developing your mind with good information and resources before challenges hit, will allow you to operate and function much better. To call 911 in time of trouble as been rehearsed over and over in our minds, that's what will happen when you develop your mind. It will allow you to think solutions instead of worrying. Implement these 3 keys in your life to help overcome any challenges you will face in life. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Pass this on to 3 people you think may need it!!! Thanks, sharing is caring. Are you a person that makes to do list and at the end of the day feel bad because you didn't really finish anything on it? Do you beat yourself up for not finishing your to do list? Many people create unrealistic "TO DO LIST." Simply because they do not do honest assessments.
Everything on my personal to do list needs to be done, but it doesn't have to be done by me. Did you read that right? Yes it needs to be done, but it doesn't have to be done by you. Yes it needs to be done, but it may not need to be done today. Most people get tired mentally before they even start on their to do list. So here are a few questions to ask yourself about your list. 1. Does it have to be done by you?- Can you delegate the task to someone else? 2. Does it have to be done TODAY?- If you accomplish it today, will it move the big picture? 3. Do you really have the time to do it the RIGHT way today-If not, don't do it because you will have to come back to it ayway. Time and energy are two of your most valuable resources, but when you allocate your time and energy to the wrong things you accomplish nothing. Don't become the person that is always busy, but never productive. Evaluate your list against these three questions daily and position your task in the right place. Do the things that will move you toward the bigger goal. Doing less really is doing more, when the less you do produces big results. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Sharing Is Caring, Share With 3 People!!! Leading well consist of doing three basic things that are broken down into sub-categories. I will only deal with the three major components in this blog. When you master these three things you begin to lay the foundation for a leadership legacy that will stand the test of times. When you look at the very best leaders they have these three components and do them well.
The three components are Vision Casting, Communication Skills and Compassion. Genius Leaders are able to vision cast and cast the vision in a way that is compelling and makes people want to be a part of the journey. When I think about Martin Luther King Jr. he displayed this ability well. When he made that infamous speech on the Washington Monument and said "I have been to the mountain top." He used words to paint a vivid picture of the future. Genius Leaders work at using words that will inspire, infuse and ignite fire in those that hear them speak. When I was in the military, General Eric Shinseki came to speak to my graduating class. His words pierced me and I still can recall them today. He spoke about how important my job as a Non-Commissioned Officer would be and the impact I could have as a young leader in the Army. Genius Leaders use words to paint pictures. Possessing great communication skills is a must for a leader that wants to influence their teams. A major part of being a leader is ensuring that what you are communicating is understood, not just stated. Many times a leader will state, but not wait to see if they are understood. I have learned that it is a good practice to ask those you are talking to, to repeat what they think you are saying. This saves time and ensures everyone is on the same page. Many leaders frown upon taking this essential step to make sure they are understood, but Genius Leaders know the value of being understood. Compassion is a trait I see missing in many people that lead. When you understand that leadership is a privilege, you will have a different perspective. Jim Collins in his book Good To Great outlines this trait in level five leaders, and John Maxwell calls a leader that has this trait a leader that has reached the pinnicle of leadership. Compassion takes you outside of yourself. Leadership is not about you, but those you lead. For you to have an impact that matters in a positive way, you have to have compassion. When leadership flows from compassion, you know it's about people and not processes. Genius Leaders have and show compassion. Integrate these three components into your leadership and watch your influence soar. Think Better, Live Better, Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer For the next several days I will be sharing some insights from some people I call “Everyday Geniuses.” I came up with this term for my new book “Genius Potential” to profile individuals that have made the decision to live from their gifting, their purpose, that special something, that something I call your Genius Potential.
Individuals that have not allowed circumstances, hard times or lack of resources hold them back. In the book, I say the following “When you are serious about living from your Genius Potential, the Universe will respond to you in a positive way.” The first “Everyday Genius” I want to talk about is Dr. George Fraser, CEO and Founder of FraserNet, the largest Networking Association of African-American professionals. When I set down to speak with the Dr. Fraser, he shared with me his tragic upbringing, a story that included his mother being committed to a psychiatric ward when he was a little boy. Which led to his father giving him and his siblings up to the State, because he could not afford to take care of them. Fast forward and Dr. Fraser was able to overcome all the dificulties and decide that his life meant something and he was going to make something of himself. Discovering that he had a gift for connecting with people and seeing a void in the African-American community where professionals could meet and share business concepts, Dr. Fraser founded FraserNet. Over a decade later, FraserNet continues to make an impact in the lives of African-American professionals around the globe. Here are some key principals Dr. Fraser shared with me about networking and building lasting personal and professional relationships: 1. Add value first to whomever you want to connect with. 2. Follow –up with a unique greeting to everyone you wish to develop a relationship with. 3. Have professional looking business cards on you at all times. 4. Serve with excellence or don’t show up at all. 5. In this present economy, it is not good enough to be good or great, you must be amazing. Dr. Fraser has proven that everyone has Genius Potential and it doesn’t matter where you start, it only matters how YOU decide to finish. To learn more about Dr. Fraser and FraserNet, check out the following link. (www.frasernet.urlyfe.com) Check back tomorrow and find out about the next “Everyday Genius.” Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Moreland Author, Genius Potential JOIN ME FOR GENIUS POTENTIAL 2 DAY SEMINAR Become A Leadership Life Trainer Many of my clients are usually on the fence about goal setting,
wondering does it really work. In my observation, most people are intimidated to set goals because they cannot "See How" they will accomplish them. For example, wanting to pursue a degree, but don’t know how they will pay for it. Another common goal people share with me is their desire to start a business, but fear they lack the capital to start a business. I always tell them you do not lack the time or opportunity to start researching about the business. Once you understand how goal setting works, you will not be able to live without it. I have been setting goals since high school, and they work. When you set goals, you are giving your energy, mind, time and resources something to act toward. Goals can be big, small, personal, family oriented or whatever. You just need to have some goals, write them down and ACT on them. When I tell my clients to ACT on their goals, they tend to focus on what they can’t do, rather then what they can do. The real key to achieving goals is doing what you can. Let me repeat that, the real key to achieving goals is doing what you can. If you want to return to school, ask yourself what can I do, you can research the school; you can ask questions about programs for returning adults to school. Ask friends, see if your current job will pay your tuition, DO WHAT YOU CAN. Once you start to do what you can, you will be amazed at how the universe and people respond to your actions. Here’s a personal example, several years ago I set a goal to be on a cover of a magazine that featured my passion of helping others succeed. Each of us has personal goals and this was one of mine. I wrote it down and I created a mock magazine cover for me to see. Visuals for me are very important, I need to see it. The next step was to “Do what I could.” And that was to keep adding value to people’s lives. Fast forward to February 2012 and I receive an email from Career Magazine stating that they wanted to feature me on the cover and interview me about my passion. Does goal setting really work? You better believe it! Here are the key steps: 1. Set some goals 2. Write them down 3. Get an image of what you want 4. Act on those goals, DO WHAT YOU CAN 5. Never stop believing So get to goal setting TODAY and watch your goals come to reality, one goal at a time. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Moreland Author, Genius Potential I would be honored if you "Liked, Shared or Tweeted" this blog, thanks! In this week's challenge, I challenged all my Facebook friends (www.facebook.com/drwillspeaks) to write down 35 things that they want to accomplish in the next 10 years. I call this my decade forecasting, and I use this with all my coaching clients, it helps simplify what you should be focusing on and when you should be focusing on it. We all have a limited amount of time and must use it wisely.
I often ask people do they plan on being around in 10 years, and almost without fail, they all say yes. Then my next question always is do you have a road map or blueprint? And I usually get a puzzled look. In my experience people don't accomplish much, simply because they don't know what they should be focused on. So time just simply flies away in their life. Let me share a few things on my list: 1. Build a strong network of friends 2. Develop better relationships with family members 3. Write a best seller 4. Become a part owner in an NBA team So, when I look at my list of 35, I ask myself what can I work on and accomplish in the next 1-3 years. Looking at my list, building a strong network of friends and developing better relationships is doable and achievable. Years 4-7 I will work on writing a best seller and year 8-10 position myself for ownership. I do this for every thing on my list, so I know what I should be working on now, and where my focus should be. This allows me to have great focus and discipline in my life and it will help you have great focus as well. So I challenge you to write down your goals and don't cheat yourself, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish when you are focused and headed in the right direction. Remember, Think Better, Live Better Today, I learned of the death of two great individuals, Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth a Civil Rights Icon, and Co-Founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The other was Steve Jobs, the innovative, vision minded and bold Co-Founder of Apple, home of the iPhone, iPod and iPad and other innovative products. As I read articles, read Tweets and Facebook post honoring these great two men, I was inspired. Mentally examing my life, and preparing to make any changes necessary to ensure I am living my life wisely, time is so very precious. Rev. Shuttlesworth was 89 and Steve Jobs 56, the latter very young by many accounts. |
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015