"My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure." Abraham Lincoln (Photo:New York Times) Well we are four days into the New Year and I failed already!!! This past week I have been in California conducting some training and now I’m sitting in my hotel room reviewing my weekly goal sheet. As I was giving each area a grade, I got to the part about health and fitness and had to give myself an F grade. I haven’t worked out the whole time here in California. To be VERY HONEST, I didn’t even plan to. When I left Arizona I left my workout clothes at home on purpose. I made the excuse that I didn’t want to carry extra stuff. How about you? Have you failed in areas you said you were going to succeed in already this year? Maybe you like me said you were going to workout more, maybe start reading each day. That’s why it is so important to do weekly checks so we can identify when we are off the track. As I was sitting here writing down why I failed this week in the area of fitness I realized that I failed even before I got started. I went back to when I was packing my bag and remember all the excuses I was telling myself. “You are not going to have time; you don’t want to carry all that stuff, excuse after excuse. So as I writing down the solution part on my goal sheet, I thought about some techniques that could help you and I achieve our goals. #1 Have a CLEAR blueprint how you will achieve your goal. I simply didn’t plan out when I was going to workout during my trip. Because I didn’t plan it, I didn’t do it. When you write down a clear plan you will be ahead of the game. #2 Train yourself to CHALLENGE all negative or limiting thoughts. I gave in to the thoughts about not having time and my back being to heavy. The truth is my body wants to reject this new life style, so I must challenge it quickly and remember my why. #3 CHECK your results often. If you see yourself allowing yourself to slip up on your goals, you will be off track. I could actually see where this type of thinking was leading me. I could see myself getting back home and telling myself on Monday, take it easy you just got home, and take a few days off. Before you know it, a month goes by. #4 When you see you are off track CORRECT the negative behavior fast. So I decided not having my workout clothes was not a reason not to workout. I look around my hotel room to see what exercises I could to. This is how you challenge the negative and limiting behavior. Take action to get back on track. #5 CANCEL your subscription to excuseville. In 2014 we are not making and accepting excuses from ourselves, you know it and I know it, we are far better than our excuses, don’t allow a limiting power to defeat you. I’m committed to winning big in 2014 and I know you are as well. I hope these few techniques help you achieve your goals. Remember to do something exciting this weekend!!! Your Partner In Genius Living, Dr. Will
The 37 Lessons I Learned in 2013 By Dr. Will Moreland Bestselling Author of Genius Potential This past year has just been phenomenal for me and I hope for you as well. I have grown, matured and developed in major ways. I always like to take time to reflect and examine on what I have learned. Below is a list of ideas and philosophies that have helped me grow over this last year. I’m charged up and ready to help you make 2014 your best year ever… These 37 lessons will help you set up a great foundation for 2014. In 2014 I want you to be 100% in FOCUS mode. You know what FOCUS means: “Fixed On Continued Unique Significance” You know I think you are a GENIUS, now I want you to ACT on it!!! Let’s rock 2014!!! Here are the 37 things 2013 taught me…
I hope these 37 lessons help you set an amazing course for 2014. Let’s challenge each other to be our best in this coming year!!! Your Partner In Genius Living, Dr. Will I first learned about Reginald Lewis when I was deployed to Bosnia while serving in the Army. I was inspired, motivated and upset all at the same time when I read his book. I kept wondering, how was it that I had never heard of Reginald Lewis, the first African-American to purchase a billion dollar business. When we talk about acting on your dreams, Reginald Lewis could not go without a mention. When Reginald Lewis died in January 1993, the world became void of a true dreamer. Starting from humble beginnings in Baltimore, Maryland, Reginald Lewis defied the odds to become the richest African-American in the 1980's. In his book Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun he talks about his shear determination to become successful in life and business. Reginald Lewis began his career as a corporate attorney, before starting his own company TLC Group, a venture capital firm. Reginald Lewis genius was found in his ability to turn-around companies and bring in major profits to investors. But his ultimate legacy and what really sealed him as the brilliant business man he was, is when he negotiated the purchase of Beatrice International Foods from Beatrice Companies for $985 million. When TLC Beatrice reported revenue of $1.8 billion in 1987, it became the first black-owned company to have more than $1 billion in annual sales. What can we learn from Reginald Lewis? 1. It doesn't matter where you start from, you can finish on top. 2. Persistence and dedication pays off in the long run. 3. Act on your biggest dreams. Reginald Lewis leaves us a legacy of inspiration to act on our dreams. Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer P.S. Did you read Part 1 and Part 2 Yesterday I profiled Henry Luce the founder of Time magazine. Today I will profile another individual that dared to act on their dreams. Dreams are simply ideas, but ideas are powerful. Ideas affect ours lives in every way. Everything you see, touch, feel and experience is an idea. From the shoes you wear to the car you drive everyday is an idea. Therefore your dreams can transform your life, like they have for each of the people I will profile this week. If you really want to lead the life you love, start to act on your dreams. Kemmons Wilson acted on his dream of providing a motel that provided quality service. Kemmons became very upset at the service that his family received during a family road trip. His idea was to provide better quality service one motel at a time. In 1952 he opened his first Holiday Inn in Memphis, and soon began to open up others. By 1964, just 12 years later, there were 500 Holiday Inns in America. All from a single idea. How many times have you been displeased with service you have received? We all have at some point, but for the majority of us, we just complain and walk away. Kemmons took an unpleasant experience and dreamed about how he could change it. Is there something in your life that you could improve and make better? I have noticed that dreams and ideas that seek to improve the quality of life for others prosper the most. Ideas have transformational power when acted upon. Here are a few ways to attract great ideas... 1. Instead of complaining, look for solutions. 2. Constantly ask yourself, how can something be made, done or said better. 3. Remember, most ideas seem dumb before they reach mass appeal. Be inspired by Kemmons Wislon to act on your dreams! Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer The average person processes over 60'000 separate thoughts per day, of which 90% occur subconsciously. Your thoughts are leading you somewhere!
So what's really keeping you from the success you desire? Is it a lack of money, education or opportunity? Maybe it was a mistake you made 10 years ago. How about the people in your life, maybe they are your biggest obstacles. Sorry, all those things I just mentioned, only block your success if you let it. The number one thing that blocks your success is your thinking. Because your thinking determines your actions and develops your habits. These two things; actions and habits are the controlling factors for success. But they are fueled by your thinking. Let me give you 6 quick things that will help transform your thoughts into winning thoughts. You have to think any way, so you might as well think the right things. One side bar note, you can't stop negative thoughts from coming into your mind, you just have to know how to remove them. 1. Have your biggest goal written down on a 3 x 5 card and review it often. 2. Create a vision board for you to see everyday. 3. Listen to positive information constantly. 4. Watch less of the news, it's usually all bad news. 5. Read biographies of successful people. 6. Use meditation and your imagination to envision yourself successful. Hope these few tips help you. What are some of the ways you defeat negative thinking? Dr. Will Author, Genius Potential America's #1 Leadership Life Trainer Everyday I wake up knowing that I'm in position to encourage, help, inspire, motivate and provide insight to somebody. I go to bed each night knowing somewhere, somehow someone has been affected by my living. How can I be so sure you ask? I receive literally hundreds of emails each month from individuals sharing with me how a post on Facebook, or a Tweet, or something in one of my books have helped them. These emails help confirm what I have known for a long time, but the #1 reason I know my life of giving makes a difference, is because I'm living from my GENIUS POTENTIAL! Another way of saying this is I'm living from my place of passion, my unique gifting. Living from your GENIUS POTENTIAL is about doing what you were born to do. A Porche is designed to be driven fast, when it is made to drive at slow speeds, over time the car will malfunction. I lived in Germany for 14 years and I was able to experience driving at high speeds, driving 100 MPH was normal. You haven't driven until you are on the Autobahn at 6am in the morning, the road is clear and you are sitting behind the will of a high performance vehicle. Seeing the needle actually go from 0-60 in seconds. Watching the needle move over that 100 MPH, then hitting the 160 MPH. Ahhh what a rush!!! Have you ever noticed in your car that your speedometer says that you can drive faster? Well why don't you? Because of the speed limits placed on you right. That's how life is when you don't live from your GENIUS POTENTIAL! You are placing limits on your self, and your POTENTIALOMETER (New word alert)is saying you can live better. For years I knew I would be a teacher of some sort and a speaker. Others recognized it as well, some thought I would be a lawyer, a minister, or a politician. I grabbed concepts easily in school, and could communicate them to others well. In school, this however caused me to get in trouble a lot. Because I could understand the lessons so fast, I would get bored and loose focus. My mom, nor my teachers could understand, how I would do so well in class, but at the same time seem distracted and distract others. Actually, this was the beginning of my awareness of my GENIUS POTENTIAL. I would try to help the other students get it. Now this natural proclivity wasn't seen in every subject, I still hate Math, lol. But for subjects like English, History and Social Studies I excelled. Fast forward twenty years, and I am still trying to help people get it. Teaching is my passion, my gift, my GENIUS POTENTIAL. It was natural for me to study leadership and personal develop, it felt right, it felt good. And every time I have the opportunity to do so, I get energized. I can remember I grueling flight to Ghana one year, the flight was delayed, and had me arriving a day later than expected. Once I deported the plane, my host said "I know you must be very tired, but the seminar is in a few hours, will you be ready." I said no problem, just let me go to the hotel and freshen up. Even though I was tired, I knew, once I hit the podium, I would get a rush of energy. Doing what I love energizes me. We are a few weeks away from entering into a New Year. If you are not living from your GENIUS POTENTIAL, make the decision. For the most part, you know what you don't like doing. Focus in on what really brings you joy, happiness and fulfillment. I want you to go to sleep each night knowing your living is giving. And to wake up each morning excited because you have another opportunity to live to give your GENIUS to the world. Remember, Think Better, Live Better P.S., Need help identifying your GENIUS POTENTIAL, you might want to pick up my new book GENIUS POTENTIAL. To check it out, CLICK HERE! Join the Genius conversation on Facebook- GENIUS POTENTIAL |
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015