![]() "If You Don't Follow Through, You Are Not SERIOUS About Success." Dr. Will I attend several networking events a year. This is out side of all the other social events I attend each year and it still amazes me how many people don't follow up on ALL the connections they make. You get all dressed up, have your business cards printed out and then ask about 50 people for their business card. For what? You don't email, text or call to follow through to begin the process of building a relationship, whether personal or professional. I continue to run into individuals that fail to realize that "RELATIONSHIPS" are the key to building, bridging and branding your business. And they wonder why their business is failing. People buy into you, not you product or service. I get more business, referrals and opportunities because of the relationships I have developed over the years. I was taught long ago by my mentors that the "Fortune Is In The Follow Through." This doesn't always mean financially, but in relationship capital as well. Because I try to always follow through, it gives me the opportunity to connect and click with individuals that I meet at events. If you really want to grow as a person and to grow your business, learn to connect, follow through and cultivate relationships. So let me offer you some quick tips on making your networking experience more productive.
Follow these tips to make your next networking event more productive. You may have missed out on a fortune in personal relationships and business relationships because you failed to FOLLOW THROUGH! Wishing You Nothing But Genius Success, Dr. Will
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![]() "A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people." Will Rogers As I am reading Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" for the 20th time, I couldn't help but reflect how important this book has been to me and the many great concepts I have learned from it. One of the most valuable concepts I learned from this book was the power of having a MASTERMIND group. Now before you shut me down and say "That's rich people talk" stop and think about what you are saying. Don't you want to be wealthy? I tell people all the time, it is foolish to despise what you secretly wish to become. So turn me back on and truly SEE what I'm about to share with you could be the missing link to the success you desire. According to Hill, the definition of a "Master-Mind" is as follows: "Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose." That last little part "For the attainment of a definite purpose." You are a part of a mastermind already, whether you know it or not. That group of guys you hang out with every weekend to watch the football game with is a mastermind group. Your girlfriends you hook up with each week to watch House Wives of Whoever, that is your mastermind group. The problem with these types of mastermind groups for the most part is that they are not producing great value in your life. The picture above is of me and my cousin Eric. Eric is a very successful doctor and business man. Recently Eric flew into Phoenix where I live on business. We both had jam packed schedules but made the time to hook up at the Arizona Biltmore for some quality masterminding. We invested a few moments talking about our families, then the next several hours we swapped ideas, concepts and "ah ha" moments. In these few hours we both walked away we some valuable ideas to implement in our businesses and lives. Eric and I could have done ANYTHING with our time, we both love to dress, so shopping could have been an option. We could have went to any restaurant in the city, as a matter of fact, we started off in a restaurant, but left after 10 minutes because we felt it would get in the way of our conversation. So my advice for you today, create your mastermind group. Take out a sheet of paper, write down five things you want to accomplish over the next 18 months. Build your business, get of debt, create a better home life, lose weight or whatever it is of value you want to accomplish. Next, write out a list of 10 quality people you know that are achieving remarkable success that you have access to. Within the next two days reach out to each of them and let them know you are creating a mastermind and would like them to be a part of it. You will not get all ten because more than likely they are occupied with accomplishing remarkable success. Hopefully you will be able to secure 2-4 individuals that can invest the time with you. Let them know your goals for the next 18 months, and that you would like to seek their wisdom, advice and knowledge. Each month you would like to speak with them for no more than 15 minutes to check your progress and hold you accountable. Please be prepared for your 15 minutes and don't WASTE their time. Once you progress in life and business, you will see the value in investing in mastermind groups. Being a part of groups with highly successful people can catapult your life and business in ways you never imagined. My mastermind group has been invaluable to me over the years, an investment I look forward to making in myself each year. If you really want to soar in life, create, join and invest in a mastermind today. Albert Einstein observed "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." Mastermind your way to the next level!!! Wishing You Nothing But Genius Success, Dr. Will ![]() Over the last decade or so I have made sure I have three things constant in my life. These three things have been anchors in my life and have helped me enjoy continued growth and success in my life. Implementing these three things has been the best thing I have done to secure my personal development. So what are these three powerful things? I call them M-Power. M-Power will help you go further faster and achieve a higher success rate in your life, career and business. Trust me when I say you will not regret adding these three things to your life if you don’t already have them operating on a continual basis. Ok, here they are:
For most of you I’m sure you have heard of each of these, but I’m not sure you really understand the benefit of M-Power. When you incorporate M-Power into your life you will see the difference. In the next couple of days I will break down each one and how they impact your life. Today I just wanted to introduce the concept or remind you of the concept. Today’s action step:
In a few days I will come back and break M-Power down for you. Wishing You Nothing But Genius Success! Dr. Will P.S. I have a cool gift for you. I wrote a short ebook to encourage you at work. Download it for FREE. Simply click here: "How To Be Happy At Work." ![]() "Life is a gift, a significant life is a choice" Dr. Will For almost two decades now I have been studying the subject of success, and not just the narrow idea of gathering stuff, but a total sense of life fulfillment. And what I have discovered is that you will not feel successful on the INSIDE until you become significant. I didn’t say famous, I said significant. I have discovered there is a formula for true life fulfillment and significance. I realize we all have a different idea of what success means to each of us. But I think we can agree about that certain feeling that we can’t explain on the inside of us when we feel significant. It is a wonderful feeling, I feeling that you matter, a sense of what you are doing matters, that you are impacting your environment in a special way. In my study and interaction with some very successful people that have reached significance in life, I have been able to narrow down the formula I am sure will put you on the path to life significance. Here it is: C + C+ G= Living a Significant Life, a Genius Life: COMMITMENT One of the most common traits I have learned about successful people and people that live a significant life is they all decided to make a commitment. They made a commitment to pursue a particular career path, to champion a movement or to leave the arena of despair and join the realm of genius. CONSISTENCE Another trait significant people share is that they are consistent. They have the ability to remain focused through all the distractions that life may throw at them. I have found that many people of significance were not the best at what they did or even the smartest, but they stuck to their commitment not to waste their life, but to live a significant life. GIVE One of the most overlooked traits of people that live a significant life and a trait that is underrated is that of giving. Truly successful people are givers. They feel a strong sense of responsibility to give back to humanity. When you learn to give you put yourself into position to gain a great advantage over others. Incorporating these three traits into your life will greatly improve your results in life and give you a great opportunity to live a significant life, a GENIUS LIFE!!! Wishing Nothing But A Genius ![]() "Most businesses will FAIL within the first two years." Entrepreneur Magazine Your idea seemed great, everyone you talked with seemed to love your idea. Your family and friends assured you that you were the next great thing, that Oprah would be calling soon... Well just a few years later, your garage is filled with product, your dreams shattered and your will to continue gone. What happened? What went wrong? It's a story I hear all to often as a business trainer, when many of my clients contact me, they are on "business life support." For many small business owners, they are missing what I call the intangibles of business success. The stuff you don't learn in "B-School," the type of education you only get from being in the trenches or working with someone that has done what you are trying to do. This past weekend I spoke to a group of business owners about what I call the "C.O.D.E of Business Success." I wanted to share a small recap of what I taught them, hopefully it will assist you in being successful. The "C.O.D.E" is four simple habits you MUST develop as a business owner if you want to succeed. So here they go. CONSISTENCY Here is where the battle is going to be won or lost. Your ability to be consistent in the small things that drive your business. Creating business awareness (marketing), following up with leads, constant learning and seeking help are just a few things you have to be consistent in doing, daily, weekly and monthly. We all start off knowing these are essentials to our business, but some how we lose sight and stop doing them on a consistent basis. Being consistent in your service, not changing every week, giving people the opportunity to associate you with your service or product aides your business success. Everyone knows McDonalds serves the Big Mac, Burger King serves the Whooper and Dr. Will serves Leadership Development. What are you known for? ORGANIZATION Say this out loud "Order Makes Everything Easier." You can't out grow your level of organization. Many fail because they are not organized, they have no systems in place to help them manage the day to day operations of a business. Every thing is a TASK and seems overwhelming because they are not organized. We have a small team that does BIG things at my company because we have systems in place that do the work for us. You should test your systems often. Go through your sells process, see what experience your customer is having. Have someone secret call your office to see how your team handles problems and provides service. Because I do this, I was able to identify some failures in our service process. One of our links was broken and was sending our partners to the wrong purchase page. If I never tested the process, we may never have found that a problem exist. DECISION MAKING You must develop the ability to make decisions quickly and efficiently. This only happens by making decisions, some will be great, some will be awful, but you will learn from the process. When I was in the Army I learned as a leader to make split decision choices, in some cases life and death choices. Too many times a business will fail because the leader couldn't make decisions fast enough. When I worked for a big retailer I learned how they made decisions. They let the results determine their decisions, they weren't driven by emotions. If something wasn't selling they would change where it was displayed, maybe they would lower the price, or sometimes just remove the product all together. No matter what, they made a decision. EXECUTION What ACTION are you taking every day to make you a better business leader and make your business better. Waiting for that big break or big deal will kill your business. You have to go out and create opportunities for your business. I know they say "Let your work speak for itself," well that is the fastest way to go out of business. You have to find creative ways to tell people about your business everyday. I call it "RTM" which stands for "Really Think Marketing." Have a list of actionable things you will do each day to drive your business forward. A key call, sending out a correspondence to a potential client or reviewing your systems. Avoid the trap of becoming too busy to DO the essentials things that drive your business forward. Check for results often. The TRUTH is in the numbers or results. Don't fight the numbers, identify the problem, fix it, improve it or get rid of it. If you want to succeed in business, implement the C.O.D.E. into your daily, weekly and monthly processes. Well I hope this helps you succeed in growing your business!!! Wishing You Nothing But A Genius Life, Dr. Will ![]() About Dr. Will Hi, I'm author of the critically acclaimed book, Genius Potential: Learn to Identify, Develop and Release Yours! I am the CEO of Will Moreland International, LLC a think tank that is dedicated to developing world class leaders in life and business. I also speak on leadership, personal development and organizational excellence. To learn more about me >>> I share my thoughts on leadership and life. My simple philosophy is that the better leader you become the better you can lead your life. I look forward to connecting and interacting with you. Click on the RSS NEW BOOK COMING SOON!!! ![]() "You have to master not only the art of listening to your head, you must also master listening to your heart and listening to your gut." Carly Forina Listening is a great art form that each of us must master. But as equally as important as listening, learning "What not to listen to, Who not to listen to, and When not to listen" is just as important. The most fulfilled people in life have mastered this art. And yes you can learn not to listen. This morning I was thinking about ALL the times I choose not to listen and it has been the best thing I ever learned to do. When I decided to leave college and join the Army, almost every one told me it was the wrong choice. I heard everything under the sun as to why I should not join, why I should continue to play football and pursue a professional sports career. Now let me interject something here, most people that are telling you not to start your business, not to quit school, or to give up on your dream are people who LOVE you, they want the best for you. However, they are not the ones that keep hearing that small still voice that keeps following you around telling you it's TIME!!! Well, I didn't listen and joined the Army. One of the best decisions of my life. Let me tell you a funny story connected to this decision. My wife Kristie and I grew up maybe 20 minutes away from each other in California and NEVER saw or met each other. My first month at my new duty station, we met in GERMANY!!! Here we are 17 years later with two beautiful children. I know some may say, that we would have met eventually, I'm not sure. But how ironic we met 8000 miles away from home. Another time I decided NOT TO LISTEN was when I made a choice not to re-enlist into the Army and start my consulting company. Once again many well attended people tried to persuade me not to leave the Army, it was safe, I was fast tracking and would make a great leader. I rose to the rank of Sergeant in just two years, and was carving out a great career, but in my heart, I knew I was suppose to be doing something different. "The worst thing in life is to have SUCCESS at the WRONG THING" I once again decided NOT TO LISTEN. A decision I thank God for everyday, given me the courage to make that life transforming decision. My life is now filled with these NOT LISTENING moments that have transformed my life. What do you need to stop listening to, who do you need to stop listening to, so you can start living your GENIUS LIFE? I CHALLENGE you today to STOP LISTENING!!! Do you have some "Stop Listening Moments" that have transformed your life? Please share. Also, share this post, it may help someone SOAR into their GENIUS LIFE!!! Wishing You Nothing But A Genius Life, Dr. Will ![]() About Dr. Will Hi, I'm author of the critically acclaimed book, Genius Potential: Learn to Identify, Develop and Release Yours! I am the CEO of Will Moreland International, LLC a think tank that is dedicated to developing world class leaders in life and business. I also speak on leadership, personal development and organizational excellence. To learn more about me >>> I share my thoughts on leadership and life. My simple philosophy is that the better leader you become the better you can lead your life. I look forward to connecting and interacting with you. Click on the RSS The common man is not concerned about the passage of time, We are busy, busy, busy, and always on the go, but my question is, are we really accomplishing anything and getting the "RIGHT" things DONE each day. Like many of you I lead a FULL life, husband, father, team member, friend and so on, I could fill the page with my list of responsibilities. But what I have learned and practice is that "LESS IS MORE." I know this is a hard concept to grasp, because we think busy, moving and being dead tired means we are productive and effective. I challenge you to examine what you really got accomplished last week that was really worth while, that was profitable to your well-being, life or business. More than likely, there were a few key things out of the gazillion things you did last week. So here is my simple formula for getting the Right things DONE each day... #1 Discipline Your Life Style- Set boundaries to protect what really needs to get done. #2 Organize Your Life- Take the time each evening to plan out your day, identify what needs to be done. #3 No Time to Waste- Guard yourself against time wasters such as useless conversations and surfing the web. #4 Effective Systems in Place- Most of the things we do on a daily basis can be put into a system, simplify your life Follow this simple formula to get the RIGHT STUFF DONE!!! Wishing you nothing but a Genius Life, Dr. Will ![]() About Dr. Will Hi, I'm author of the critically acclaimed book, Genius Potential: Learn to Identify, Develop and Release Yours! I am the CEO of Will Moreland International, LLC a think tank that is dedicated to developing world class leaders in life and business. I also speak on leadership, personal development and organizational excellence. To learn more about me >>> I share my thoughts on leadership and life. My simple philosophy is that the better leader you become the better you can lead your life. I look forward to connecting and interacting with you. Click on the RSS ![]() "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." Carl Sandburg I think about the future a lot, as well as reflect on the past, while I try as much as possible to enjoy the present. I'm fascinated with how we can use time, lose time, waste time, invest time or spend time. I have found time to be one of the most powerful forces in life. When used or invested wisely it can produce powerful results. For example, you can decide to invest four years and pursue any degree you want. Or you can set some time aside and build wonderful relationships. This year I have made the choice to give more attention to how I invest my time. And already it is starting to pay huge dividends. I created an elite time scheduler to track my hours and to plan my day more effectively. I wanted to share it with you, hopefully it will make you more time efficient as well. Simply click below and get to mastering your time! Modify it to best serve you. ![]()
Wishing you nothing but a Genius Life! Dr. Will ![]() About Dr. Will Hi, I'm author of the critically acclaimed book, Genius Potential: Learn to Identify, Develop and Release Yours! I am the CEO of Will Moreland International, LLC a think tank that is dedicated to developing world class leaders in life and business. I also speak on leadership, personal development and organizational excellence. To learn more about me >>> I share my thoughts on leadership and life. My simple philosophy is that the better leader you become the better you can lead your life. I look forward to connecting and interacting with you. Click on the RSS ![]() Ever so often the stars align and special things happen. That is exactly what happened a few days ago when I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Ken Blanchard the renowned leadership expert and author of over 50 books. Dr. Blanchard has been a personal favorite of mine and a person I consider a mentor for my leadership development. When I had the opportunity to meet with him in person I leaped at the chance. As a side note, many of you know I am a big believer in writing down yours goals. Well one of my major goals this year was to meet and build relationships with some giants in the arena of leadership and business. I wanted to be more intentional about key relationships. Already I have had the opportunity to meet Hall of Fame Coach Lenny Wilkens, Basketball great Eddie Johnson, Jeff Pino former CEO of Sikorsky Jets and Olympic Gold Medalist Andrea Bolder this year. Once you write it down, it seems things begin to move in your favor. When Dr. Blanchard walked in, he had a calm about him, and a smile that lit of the room. He walked around the room and greeted many of us before he took his seat on the stage. You can still see the joy on his face, he loves what he does. “In the past a leader was a boss. Today's leaders must be partners with their people... they no longer can lead solely based on positional power.” Dr. Ken Blanchard Dr. Blanchard opened up his remarks reiterating how committed he is to helping leaders become better servant leaders and why he is excited about building a strong program at Grand Canyon University. Then in a way only Dr. Blanchard could do, he explained what was wrong with many of today’s leaders and what the solution is to correcting the void of great leaders. Dr. Blanchard explained why it is so important for leaders to be grounded and rooted in the truth of what servant leadership is really about, and leadership is about people, not systems and numbers. I have read many of Dr. Blanchard’s books, but to hear him speak on the principles live was an experience I will treasure for a life time. The entire presentation was filled with nuggets of wisdom from a lifetime of leadership knowledge and experience. He went on to talk about the qualities of building a great company and some of the things you can’t put a price tag on or read on a spread sheet, like employee moral, commitment to team building and execution excellence. He elaborated on why it is vital that leaders “PAY ATTENTION” and learn to listen to their employees and know them beyond what they do. “Most leaders hide behind power because they are insecure of their own ability.” Dr. Ken Blanchard Some of my favorite take a ways from the talk were: “As a leader when you talk, you whisper through a microphone.” “Learn to lead from your heart and to think with your head.” “Relationships are more important than anything.” But the highlight for me was the opportunity to sneak in some one on one time with Dr. Blanchard. I’ll share those nuggets at a later time. I’ll tell you this, something I have said maybe a million times, and Dr. Blanchard reinforced it, you can never stop growing. Becoming a life learner is not an option. Wishing You Nothing But A Genius Life Dr. Will ![]() About Dr. Will Hi, I'm author of the critically acclaimed book, Genius Potential: Learn to Identify, Develop and Release Yours! I am the CEO of Will Moreland International, LLC a think tank that is dedicated to developing world class leaders in life and business. I also speak on leadership, personal development and organizational excellence. To learn more about me >>> I look forward to connecting and interacting with you. Click on the RSS ![]() I had a great time this weekend reflecting and reviewing my life's priorities. I even fit in the time to watch Miracle on 34TH Street for the very first time yesterday. I set a goal this year to watch twelve classic movies I have never seen, one each month. One practice I have learned from very successful people is that you must guard your time, so it is imperative that you review where your time is being invested, so for me, these weekend “Time Audits” are essential to ensure I am investing my time and not spending my time in unproductive adventures. To simply the process, I will share 3 simple actions I take in reviewing my time and priorities. First, I write down everything I have committed myself to. Whether that is being interviewed, writing articles for columns or business partnerships. This helps me get a clear picture of everything I have “On My Plate.” Secondly, I give everything a grade of A-F and a rank of 1-5, the grade is for my performance and the rank is for importance toward major goals. Preparation plays a huge part in doing your best, but if you are over committed, your preparation will be affected. I evaluate my grade and give the reason for the grade. Next I give a rank number, a lower number means this activity or item really isn’t helping me accomplish my goals and will need to be removed or stopped. Lastly, I make a determination if this item will stay “On My Plate.” We can get caught up in doing a lot of really good things, nice things, but very unproductive things as it relates to your personal goals. To maximize your time, I suggest you do a “Time Audit” at least every two weeks if not ever week. Our time has a way of getting away from us, and we end up not accomplishing our goals. What are some things you do to ensure the right things are on your plate? Please Share!!! ![]() About Dr. Will Hi, I'm author of the critically acclaimed book, Genius Potential: Learn to Identify, Develop and Release Yours! I am the CEO of Will Moreland International, LLC a think tank that is dedicated to developing world class leaders in life and business. I also speak on leadership, personal development and organizational excellence. To learn more about me >>> I look forward to connecting and interacting with you. Click on the RSS feed to ensure you don't miss out! |
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015