I'm amazed at how people make the choice to "Do It Themselves." I consult with countless people who are tired and ready to quit because they feel overwhelmed by the task they need to perform for their businesses to function each day. One of the first questions I ask when I meet with someone is to ask them "What do you think you need to be successful?" I always get a variety of answers, some say more staff, more money, or more resources. But in most cases, they are lacking a workable system. Many small businesses and entrepreneurs feel they have to continue to do EVERYTHING by themselves.
We are living at one of the greatest times known to mankind, with technology, social media and people resources all around us. Man, I am loving this time. When you stop and think about the resources we have literally at our finger tips, you have more resources than you can handle. So my question today is, "Are You Taking Advantage of Your Resources?" Have you taken the time to ask yourself what do I really need for my business, life or family to function better. Then take a serious look around you, the ANSWER is there. I am always blown away when I do a Google search, how many other people had the same question as I did, and how many answers are waiting for me. The "Law of Receiving" says ask and you shall receive, but many fail to ask for the help or assistance they need. For some reason, we feel like asking diminishes our knowledge base in our given field. My area of expertise is in leadership and personal development, I never feel I need to be a computer expert, or any other expert. I love to dress and put unique outfits together, so I'm always on the look out for an outstanding color combo. I usually will turn to fashion expert Alex Ellis of Simply Ellis. I will go to his website or Facebook page and look at what he is wearing. I have even called him to ask him a few questions on occasion. When I am on Facebook, there are two groups I turn to for expert advice, Social Media Swag and But I Don't Want a Real Job, the information from the experts in these groups are always on point. People are looking to share their expert advice with you. I mean there is all kinds of help out there, ASK FOR IT! Let me close by sharing a few of my power team players, I will share more in the future. I encourage you to share with me and others some of your power team players, who do you glean from. Add them in the comment area of this blog. POWER TEAM PLAYERS: 1. Dr. Vernet Joseph (Motivation and Inspiration) 2. Dr. DeJarra Sims (Health Care) 3. Pam Perry (PR and Social Media Expert) 4. Isha Cogborn (Life Coach) 5. Tanya Smith (Brand Management Resources) 6. Tai Goodwin (The Career Makeover Coach) 7. Stephanie C. Harper (Human Resources Expert) 8. Walethia Aquil (Certified Image and Etiquette Coach) 9. Mechelle Tucker (Networking Mastermind) 10.PHX Soul (Up to date info on Phoenix Arizona) Remember, Think Better, Live Better
Teams in corporate, church world and sports are made up of many moving parts and people. Every individual has their own perspective and ideas of how something should flow. Everyone looking for their idea or way to be implemented in the overall plan. Two of the greatest team killers I have seen in my experience is number one lack of communication and the other assumptions.
When these two elements are present, the team is sure to implode no matter how talented they may be. Communication must be clear, if not, everyone is left to think their idea is the one and this leads to assuming. So as a leader how do you diffuse this problem. You make every effort to clearly communicate the goals and the intent of the organization at every turn. If not, you open the door to these team killers. Remember, Think Better, Live Better When I was in the military, one of the first things I learned was that leaders sacrifice. Leaders are first to work and last to leave, leaders ensure that the team has what they need, even if it means they go without. From the moment I entered Basic Training I was taught to think of the team first.
Today I talked with a dear friend that reminded me of this principle. As we talked on the phone and caught up with each other, I asked him how work was going. He explained that he just took over a new unit, Nate is a First Sergeant in the United States Army. Nate told me that he got the unit because he turned down the opportunity to drive for the President of the United States. Yes, that President. Nate is an exceptional leader and recently completed an assignment driving for a 3-Star General in Washington, D.C. His reward so to speak was being assigned to the President's driving team. Why did Nate turn this great opportunity down you ask? Because leaders sacrifice. Nate has a beautiful family that has supported him throughout his military career. Earlier on in his career, he was not able to pick and choose where he wanted to be assigned, so this meant the family had to up root several times. Well this time was different, he had a choice. When he talked with his family about the opportunity to drive for the President, he noticed the disappointment on his teenage daughter's face. Nate accepting this assignment, would mean the family would have to move and his daughter would have to change schools for a third time in four years. Nate made the choice to allow his daughter to finish her high school years at her current school. Nate is a leader that knows "Leaders Sacrifice." A great leader is always thinking about the team, how decisions affect the whole. Nate made a decision that I feel will enhance his family team for years to come. I salute his decision Remember, Think Better, Live Better! If you have ever heard me speak or hang around me for any amount of time, you have heard me say that you are the sum total of the five people you interact with the most. Not only is it important to interact with the right people, but what they do for you is just as important.
There are four key things you want your inner circle to do for you. And make sure you are doing it for them as well. The first thing you want to ensure that they are doing for you is PRAYING for you. Prayer is a powerful force that they can release in your life. Ask them to pray for your health, family, projects and overall well being. Secondly, you want your inner circle to PUSH you. Sometimes we can find our selves dragging and need a little push. This also works when you are ready to give up as well, that little push will give you the motivation to keep on going. Thirdly, you want your inner circle to PROMOTE you. You shouldn't be in competition with those in your circle, so they should have no problem promoting you and your projects. Lastly, count on your circle to PROTECT you. Many times we are so in the fight, that we cannot see all the danger around us. Trust your circle to protect your blind side. We all need a good corner team. Look for your inner circle to provide these vital measures, and ensure you return the kindness. Can you think of some helpful things that your inner circle can provide, share them with us? Remember, Think Better, Live Better! ps. Have you signed up for my monthly Newsletter. Click Here What are some of the key traits you deem valuable to a leader? Vision, character, trust, love and influence are some of the things that come to my mind. But one of the most valuable tools in my tool box is INSIGHT.
Insight by definition is the immediate understanding of the significance of an event or action. Developing this all important trait will prove to be invaluable on your leadership journey. Everyday we are faced with challenges, obstacles, test, trials or whatever you want to call them. Being able to understand what happen, why it happened and how it happen is essential to successful leadership. The quicker you are at utilizing insight, the faster you can put a plan in action or know your next movement. Now, let me put a marker right here. When I say understand why something happened, I am not talking about always knowing the reason, some thinks we cannot explain. But gather all the information you can and use your insight to make the correct decisions. I don’t only rely on my personal insight; I have a league of mentors, counselors and advisors I tap into as well. Especially when a situation that I have not personally dealt with arises, I without hesitation call upon others. They help me chart a course for my next move. I have learned that one size does not fit all in my leadership journey. So, I have learned to rely on insight to make critical decisions. Some times I hear leaders say it’s “Black and White” no gray areas. But in reality, there are gray areas. Two people can do the exact same thing, but for totally different reasons. Employing insight will allow you to make the right call. Let’s say for example, two employees are late for work. One was late because they over slept, the other because they had a flat tire. Should both receive repercussions, should only one? Insight gives you the ability to make these tough choices. If you are just starting or developing in your leadership journey, surround yourself with people that have great insight, don’t go it alone. Insight has served me well, and I am sure it will be a great companion for you as well. p.s. Have you down loaded my FREE new E-book "9 Practices to Guarantee a GREAT Day"? Click Here! Think Better, Live Better |
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015