![]() The 37 Lessons I Learned in 2013 By Dr. Will Moreland Bestselling Author of Genius Potential This past year has just been phenomenal for me and I hope for you as well. I have grown, matured and developed in major ways. I always like to take time to reflect and examine on what I have learned. Below is a list of ideas and philosophies that have helped me grow over this last year. I’m charged up and ready to help you make 2014 your best year ever… These 37 lessons will help you set up a great foundation for 2014. In 2014 I want you to be 100% in FOCUS mode. You know what FOCUS means: “Fixed On Continued Unique Significance” You know I think you are a GENIUS, now I want you to ACT on it!!! Let’s rock 2014!!! Here are the 37 things 2013 taught me…
I hope these 37 lessons help you set an amazing course for 2014. Let’s challenge each other to be our best in this coming year!!! Your Partner In Genius Living, Dr. Will
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I am still in shock to hear of the passing of Whitney Houston, the iconic singer that left this life too soon. I often say, life at its longest is too short. Even though I know death is a part of life, I never get use to it. People all around the world die each day, but it is something about hearing when someone that has touched us with their genius dies. I was on my way to church and thought I heard that Whitney had died. But the broadcaster briefly mentioned it, so I thought I misunderstood him. By the time they returned to the story I was out the car.
Then I looked down at my phone and read the alert, "Singer Whitney Houston found dead." Those five words, bring a life of triumph, mistakes, love, laughter, sorrow and genius to an end. As church ended, I wanted to know more, As I pulled up my news feed, I read the words "Whitney Houston dead at 48 years of age." It instantly made me reflect on myself, I am only 36, Whitney was only 12 years older than me. I remember watching her in the Movie Bodyguard. I remember her smile in the Movie Precher's Wife. That voice that could make the toughest guy cry was gone. For the rest of the day I thought about how short a life she lived. It made me think of a few other people who lived far too short lives. President John F. Kennedy at 46, Princess Diana 36, Michael Jackson 50, Elvis Pressly 42 and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 36, all died too soon. But then I thought to myself, I only can mention these individuals because they left a legacy that cannot be erased or forgotten. Today, take a moment to think about your legacy. What legacy will you leave behind? The first environment you want to impact is that of your family. Next is your community. Lastly is the world. We all may not be remembered around the world when we die, but make sure the people that see you on an every day basis can say you impacted them in a postive way. No one knows when our last breathe will be taking, so live each day and give back each day as if it is your last. Think Better, Live Better Dr. Will Moreland Author, Genius Potential P.S. Share this blog with 3 people that need to be reminded to live life!!! ![]() Everyday I wake up knowing that I'm in position to encourage, help, inspire, motivate and provide insight to somebody. I go to bed each night knowing somewhere, somehow someone has been affected by my living. How can I be so sure you ask? I receive literally hundreds of emails each month from individuals sharing with me how a post on Facebook, or a Tweet, or something in one of my books have helped them. These emails help confirm what I have known for a long time, but the #1 reason I know my life of giving makes a difference, is because I'm living from my GENIUS POTENTIAL! Another way of saying this is I'm living from my place of passion, my unique gifting. Living from your GENIUS POTENTIAL is about doing what you were born to do. A Porche is designed to be driven fast, when it is made to drive at slow speeds, over time the car will malfunction. I lived in Germany for 14 years and I was able to experience driving at high speeds, driving 100 MPH was normal. You haven't driven until you are on the Autobahn at 6am in the morning, the road is clear and you are sitting behind the will of a high performance vehicle. Seeing the needle actually go from 0-60 in seconds. Watching the needle move over that 100 MPH, then hitting the 160 MPH. Ahhh what a rush!!! Have you ever noticed in your car that your speedometer says that you can drive faster? Well why don't you? Because of the speed limits placed on you right. That's how life is when you don't live from your GENIUS POTENTIAL! You are placing limits on your self, and your POTENTIALOMETER (New word alert)is saying you can live better. For years I knew I would be a teacher of some sort and a speaker. Others recognized it as well, some thought I would be a lawyer, a minister, or a politician. I grabbed concepts easily in school, and could communicate them to others well. In school, this however caused me to get in trouble a lot. Because I could understand the lessons so fast, I would get bored and loose focus. My mom, nor my teachers could understand, how I would do so well in class, but at the same time seem distracted and distract others. Actually, this was the beginning of my awareness of my GENIUS POTENTIAL. I would try to help the other students get it. Now this natural proclivity wasn't seen in every subject, I still hate Math, lol. But for subjects like English, History and Social Studies I excelled. Fast forward twenty years, and I am still trying to help people get it. Teaching is my passion, my gift, my GENIUS POTENTIAL. It was natural for me to study leadership and personal develop, it felt right, it felt good. And every time I have the opportunity to do so, I get energized. I can remember I grueling flight to Ghana one year, the flight was delayed, and had me arriving a day later than expected. Once I deported the plane, my host said "I know you must be very tired, but the seminar is in a few hours, will you be ready." I said no problem, just let me go to the hotel and freshen up. Even though I was tired, I knew, once I hit the podium, I would get a rush of energy. Doing what I love energizes me. We are a few weeks away from entering into a New Year. If you are not living from your GENIUS POTENTIAL, make the decision. For the most part, you know what you don't like doing. Focus in on what really brings you joy, happiness and fulfillment. I want you to go to sleep each night knowing your living is giving. And to wake up each morning excited because you have another opportunity to live to give your GENIUS to the world. Remember, Think Better, Live Better P.S., Need help identifying your GENIUS POTENTIAL, you might want to pick up my new book GENIUS POTENTIAL. To check it out, CLICK HERE! Join the Genius conversation on Facebook- GENIUS POTENTIAL I'm afraid that many of you have been bam boozled, you fell for it, they pulled the wool over your eyes. You may be a victim and not even aware of it yet. Have you ever lost something or had your wallet or purse stolen? When did you notice that it was lost or stolen, that's right when you needed it. Let me ask you a very important question. Are you living from your GENIUS POTENTIAL? Are you searching for an answer? If you are searching for an answer, you might be a victim of stolen Genius Potential.
Everyone of us are born withGenius Potential on the inside of us, but many of us have had that Genius Potential stolen from us. Maybe it was the environment we grew up in, maybe it was a well intentioned person in your life, how about a school teacher that didn't understand you. Countless people are living and working hard at a life that will NEVER bring them joy. More money, a better title, a new car, or a bigger house will not fix the problem. The only cure is to live from your passion, to do what you love, to live from your GENIUS POTENTIAL. In my new book, Genius Potential, I teach you how to identify, develop and release your Genius Potential, so you can live your "RIGHT LIFE." Make a decision not to live another year beneath your potential, begin the journey today to live from your Genius Potential! I wrote this book with you in mind, I want you to enjoy your life and this book will help you do just that. You do not want to go into 2012 without this book, I guarantee you. Get a copy for yourself and everyone you love. "Dr. Will Moreland’s new book Genius Potential is just that….sheer Genius! His leadership & inspirational style of writing can be likened to several phenomenal writers of our time, including the leadership character of John Maxwell and the inspirational prowess of Joel Osteen. This book is a treasure for anyone who is willing to “go through the process”." Deborah G.Hunter Publisher/Hunter Heart Publishing "This book is a must read, opened me up to a deeper way of thinking, and I thought I was pretty deep already" Corey Oliver, CAO Technology, LLC Remember, THINK BETTER, LIVE BETTER To Order Your Copy Click Here I was the one that most people thought would end up on a path full of trouble, and I gave them ever reason to think so. Bitter because I didn't have a male role model, nor the best living accommodations growing up in Compton, California. Mad because I didn't understand the beauty of my dark skin, so the constant teasing and name calling made me angry and troublesome. So I decided to use all of these obstacles as reasons to cheat myself out of my destiny and purpose in life.
Twenty years ago I was headed down the path to be that one you usually hear about, troubled teen, gang banger, in and out of jail, single parent home, you know that one. BUT, fifteen years ago, I DECIDED to "BE THE ONE", that you probably rarely hear about. The focused, determined, will not quit, will not make excuses, will live from my genius potential person. So now at 35 years of age, that young man that was destined for a life full of disappointments, can honestly say to anyone, you can make the decision to "BE THE ONE." Now to "BE THE ONE" is no walk in the park, don't let anyone fool you, but it is possible. You may be asking, what exactly do I mean when I say "BE THE ONE." I'm talking about allowing yourself to live your best life, waking up everyday with a smile on your face and not a frown. Enjoying every ounce of like inspite of the challenges you may face. Any one can make, find or create an excuse to live beneath their potential, but when you decide to "BE THE ONE" you are living life at full throttle. You are living from your Genius Potential! Let me share just a few things that will help you "BE THE ONE." 1. Make a decision that your life is worth you giving your best 2. Develop a strong mental picture of you achieving great things in your passion area 3. Separate from toxic people in your life 4. Change the places you go, only go to places that lead you to becoming the person you want to be 5. Live by new principles, principles that require you to be, do and give your best 6. Slap fear in the face, because he is no match for you 7. Take ACTION now, focus on what you can do, what you do have and multiply it These seven keys will provide a strong foundation for you to "BE THE ONE." Remember, Think Better, Live Better |
AuthorDr. Will is an author, speaker and leadership consultant.... Archives
January 2015