As one of the best motivational keynote speakers and business consultants in America, Dr. Will is frequently asked to appear on national and local News Broadcast to provide his perspective on business trends, leadership, success and current events.
Dr. Will has been featured in Forbes, Black Enterprise, INC and several other magazine publications. Almost weekly, Dr. Will is interviewed on a leading Podcast show.
Dr. Will has been featured in Forbes, Black Enterprise, INC and several other magazine publications. Almost weekly, Dr. Will is interviewed on a leading Podcast show.
Dr. Will has written over 40 books and his books are used by organizations, colleges and associations for training and development around the world.
Dr. Will is frequently asked to share his insights on local and national media outlets.
Dr. Will was Co-Host for the Tonia and Friends Morning Show where he provided life skills advice, leadership and personal development advice on a weekly basis on our local affiliate channel AZ-TV.