That’s the first question I ask anyone that approaches me to coach them, followed by why do you want to create that?
I remember when my coached asked me this same question. It REVOLUTIONIZED my life.
You see, most of the time we live on default, we just take what life gives us, in stead of creating what we want.
This is where it’s time for me to get you uncomfortable.
I remember when my coached asked me this same question. It REVOLUTIONIZED my life.
You see, most of the time we live on default, we just take what life gives us, in stead of creating what we want.
This is where it’s time for me to get you uncomfortable.
I have invested 20 plus years as the Mr. Transformation to some of the most successful people in the world. Getting people to see themselves as the powerful beings they are is my GENIUS and GIFT!
I have also worked with and partnered with the top organizations in the world. Every one from the NBA, MLB, NASCAR, McDonalds, Starbucks, Boeing, Intel and 2000 plus more organizations. Maybe this is why I've been named one of the Top 30 Speakers in the World and Inducted into the Business Hall of Fame. |
"Dr. Will, thank you for the light you are in this world."
Presidents, athletes, musicians, MMA fighters and top business professionals all have coaches – it’s not a case of do you need coaching, it’s a case of, can you afford NOT to have a coach?
My focus is to get you uncomfortable, pull out the “whys” and “oh, I could never do that” and save you years, scars and money by getting you where you should be and not where you are or heading.
Coaching is a partnership.
I’ll hold you accountable, be there for you and together get you and your business to where it can shine.
My focus is to get you uncomfortable, pull out the “whys” and “oh, I could never do that” and save you years, scars and money by getting you where you should be and not where you are or heading.
Coaching is a partnership.
I’ll hold you accountable, be there for you and together get you and your business to where it can shine.
Do not get involved with me to “coast by” or to “settle”, this is a mind shift, a shake up, where we raise YOUR standards and expectations – it’s not for the weak of heart or mind.
*Capped at 3 coaching clients
*Capped at 3 coaching clients
If you’ve been looking for more, if you find that my methods sync with yours, that my formula for success is the secret sauce you’ve been needing, then you are ready to Coach With Dr. Will!
You will invest two hours with me in a Zoom Session. We will break down your business and give you clear strategies to get you started.